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Navigation: Course Correction


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Having a first tier Tracking Station and Mission Control can make interplanetary journeys a challenge.

Planning an interplanetary journey involves calculating the phase angle of the destination along with the required delta v needed for the injection.

Theses are some questions that I have for the community:

How to calculate if an encounter will happen?

What information is needed to calculate a mid course correction?

Can this be done within a stock KSP?

These questions are not really about gameplay because the obvious answer would be to upgrade the Tracking Station and Mission Control.

I am under the impression that calculating and plotting a course correction in stock KSP is not possible.  The information needed is located in mods such as KERThis proposed mod might address this issue but I am still looking for feedback.



The method described in the video is something I would want to try including the calculations.  I understand that wanting to do this within KSP is inconceivable to earth bound navigators.


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Well one thing astronauts used to navigate was stars, and I was just thinking earlier that I would like to make a more uniform star map, something similar to real life's so you CAN use the stars for navigation as you'll have finer points to focus on. I'll need some help, but if someone offers to, I'll get to work :) .

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That is an excellent idea about the star map.  I can certainly help out

I remember reading an article here on the forums about naming the constellations but unable to find it.

Anybody know what the chances are that the stock star field will change?

Another question is: at what distance can planets be sighted?

Starting up KSP and going to use the alt + mouse wheel to try and sight a planet from LKO.


These are pictures taken from kerbol orbit.  The target was set for Duna and the camera oriented towards the target.  Pictures were taken over 11 days.  No transit was found.  Used a kerbal because I thought his eyesight was better.





Only way to see a distant planet is through map view.


The question is at what distance do planets become visible?

Traveling away from Kerbin the planet is reduced to just a couple of pixels at a distance of 2000 Mm.


The Distance Object Enhancement mod would be needed along with a telescope mod to make this type of navigation happen.

If anyone has a solution to navigation using just the stock game info please advise.  I am pondering that by measuring the angles from on screen could yield a method.


Edited by MoeslyArmlis
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