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Share your Mun Base!


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First, hello, been lurking around for a bit, but I\'m enjoying KSP more and more lately (And it\'s a game I can play with my kids, huge bonus), figured I\'d register in the forums.

I gave myself a bunch of challenges with the stock parts, orbits, trips to the moons, a hangar full of working air (not space) planes, and an atmospheric X-Wing fighter. Figured I\'d try out some mods and ramp up my challenges a bit, and went for broke. Skipping the space station, I created...

My first Mun base! I used a bunch of Kosmos parts and cobbled together a moon base. Set it on top of a 3 stage NovaPunch rocket and sent it on my way. First thing I learned, mod parts do NOT imbalance the game. Thought that would be the case, that\'s why I stayed away from them for so long. They do open the door on creating new challenges. Now that my Kerbals have a permanent base on the moon, I need to send them a rover, and put communications satellites in Mun orbit. Anyway, here it is, Mun Base Alpha!


Descending with the transit stage still attached.


Transit detached, lowering the station to the surface (Turns out I brought WAY too much fuel - I could fly the station to Minmus and back if I wanted).


After two aborted landings, I finally brought the whole complex down to its new home on the Mun. Now I just need a passenger lander to swap out the crew every now and then.

Attached the craft file for the whole base + rockets.

What have you guys got?

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I once built a base on the Moon with the stock parts, by flying up there multiple times and landing several times and putting them close to each other. Though one of the landings failed and everything exploded D:

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I\'m using Kosmos space station parts for the Mun base, and NovaPunch rocket parts for the main rocket. The 6-way connectors were weird, they didn\'t want to work but I randomly rotated them until they snapped into place. Just keep hitting the rotate keys until they turn green.

Landing rockets in the same spot turned out to be pretty easy on the equator, just do a hard retrograde burn and drop straight down on the site. It\'s easier with bases since you don\'t have to budget your fuel for the return trip.

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