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New to the Game/Forums/Space Flight


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I was poking around Google for any sort of new video game I could try out and ran across this one. Wow, am I impressed! I\'ve been building (and blowing up) rockets all day now! Great game, and it looks to have a great community as well.

I looked through one of the wiki\'s and I was pointed to a link for some Additional add-ons, which greatly helped. I was finally able to get something into orbit, and even got a Lunar module to crash land on the moon. Which actually brings me to my first question ... Is there any way of saving a game mid-flight, so after you botch a landing, or accidently activate the next stage prematurely, you can go back and practice it again? Would help my flight practice quite a bit.

Also, any 'Must-have' add-ons that I should download? I got the one that gave me quite a few Atlas/Ares engines and builds plus some Lunar Module components. Any others I should get?

I\'ll be poking around more often, so great to be here! :)

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If you have the paid version, you can quicksave and reload with F5/F9 like in other games. It also allows you to go back to the space center without ending the flight, the ship will be saved then (and continue orbiting if it\'s in an orbit). Only limitation is that you need to be on the ground and not moving if you are in an athmosphere.

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Welcome to the KSP Forums!

Pro Tip: Using the Stage Lock(ALT-L) will prevent accidental staging. When turned on, the green light in lower left will turn purple. This will disable the space bar from staging your craft accidentally.

Happy Launching!


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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Nice tips guys, thanks!

Was able to land on the Mun successfully today, Although the return trip turned the kerblanauts into a permenant satellite (oops). Tried a crash into the Sun, but coudn\'t slow down enough to get sucked in. Still trying to figure out the launch control. Every now and then the rocket just decides it wants to nose dive back into the ground. My most successful launches only seem to come from the pre-built add-on packages.

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