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looking for a video


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iv searched google for 30 minutes and cant find it

its a guy who builds a mun base (it might even be minmus, thats how much i cant remember) 

he builds each rocket out of little segments and puts them together with a crane, the then takes parts for the base to the moon, he repeats this over and over again, and by the end of the video theres a very nice looking stock base, thats quite large and spread out, but not bulky,

things i can remember about the video

 - he builds each rocket with a little crane (maybe even 2) it uses a claw on the end to grab each peice
 - i think its a Russian youtube channel cant remember
 - its quite a long video
 - its either on the mun or minmus
 - most of the rockets he makes are made from srbs - usually a stage of the rocket is a few of these put together, non of the rockets are that large except for 1 or 2
 - a lot of the base is connected via I-beams and very small docking ports
 - as far as i know its all stock
- at one point in the video he loads up a little lander on the mun with debris and flys it outside loading range and crashes it on purpose

im really grasping at straws here than one of you know what the hell im on about and will be able to link me the video, although iv probably been a bit vague

Edited by nuclear_turkey
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