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Dogon's Space Program V2

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I am reviving the space program idea, except some things are changing this time.

1: Missions received by public must have scientific purpose, and be able to be completed in the real world.

2: I am using MOAR plugins. This time, comsats and power tech.

3: I will not be accepting public missions until after I complete the Gemini-equivalent.

Now that that\'s out of the way, here\'s the mods:



Comsat Plugin



Kosmos LK


Radial Boosters


Here are the current goals and missions:

#1 Test upper atmosphere with rocket plane.

#2 Put unmanned probe into space.

#3 Orbit unmanned probe.

#4 Comsat network

#5 Put kerbal in space.

#6 Orbit kerbal.

#7 Put three kerbals in space.

#8 Orbit three kerbals.

#9 EVA one kerbal. (Will be accepting missions once this is complete)

#10 Pass the Mun.

#11 Orbit the Mun.

#12 Land on the Mun.

#13 Put small space habitat in orbit.

Rules for suggesting:

Has to be doable and practical in the real world.

Has to have a scientific or tourist purpose.

Has to be reasonable.

Has to avoid certain death.

I will not be starting this until V0.16, so you may discuss and suggest features and missions until the release. When the release occurs, no more mission suggestions.

Yes, you can suggest missions until .16.

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