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Rockwell B-1B Lancer Replica (Stock and Modded)

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About the B-1B Lancer:

the B-1 Lancer is a 4 engine supersonic strategic bomber introduced in the 80's Used by the United States Air Force. The B-1B is focused on low-level penetration bombing.The aircraft is still in service as of today and continues to serve in combat missions.It is expected to continue serving until 2030 when the long range strike bombers are introduced


B-1 Lancer (Stock)


  • Consist of 3 bombs (1 large one up front and 2 smaller once in the back)
  • The 2 smaller bombs drop at the same time for a extra amount of damage 
  • The Larger bomb can be guided
  • Completely stock



B-1 Lancer (BDArmory)


  • Consist of 10 bombs (9 JDAMs the front 1 Warhead in the back)
  • Has Flares, Chaff, and Smoke
  • The Warhead has 2 parachutes for accurate targeting 
  • Only requires the BDArmory mod

Both (Stock and modded features)


  • Large horizontal stabilizer (good for flaring for landings)
  • Large wingspan
  • 2 cargo bays (1 large one and 1 smaller one)
  • Can hold up to 2 kerbals
  • Max Speed is 127.2 M/S (measured at a level altitude of 3000 meters)
  • Max Altitude Around 5000 meters but possibly higher
  • Speed to take off is under 70 M/S
  • The aircraft can easily turn with no issues




B-1 Bomber (Stock)


Parts = 263

Mass = 63.730 Tons

Height = 7.7

Width = 26.9

Length = 25.5

B-1 Bomber (BDArmory)


Parts = 276

Mass = 67.124

Height = 7.7

Width = 26.9

Length = 25.5


Known Issues/Known Suggestions





  • It doesn't fly as high as I would have hoped (I was hoping over 10,000 Meters)
  • It doesn't go as fast as I would have hoped (I was hoping for it to start burning up)
  • The back cargo bay bombs for the stock version are not very aerodynamic and flip in the air
  • You have to denotate the Warhead on the BDArmory version



  • Make fuselage less choppy and less thick
  • Make wings smaller


Action Groups:



  1. Front cargo bay doors (open/close)
  2. Back cargo bay doors (open/close)
  3. Front cargo bay bomb drop
  4. Back cargo bay bomb drop



  1. Front cargo bay doors (open/close)
  2. Back cargo bay doors (open/close)
  3. JDAM bomb drop (one at a time)
  4. Warhead bomb drop
  5. Flares
  6. Chaff
  7. Smoke
  8. Nothing
  9. Warhead parachutes 
  10. Warhead detonate button (detonate it before it hits the ground)

Download the Rockwell B-1B Lancer Below






Thank you for viewing my craft :)

Check out my YouTube for more content like this-





Note To Self : Make a newer version soon



Edited by FlamingOnion_1
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Looks really nice, it's yet another reason I wish variable geometry wings were feasible in stock KSP.

This thread itself looks pretty professionally done too. I've seen thread with no pictures, no DL, or virtually no description of the craft at all. Good job.

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11 minutes ago, pTrevTrevs said:

Looks really nice, it's yet another reason I wish variable geometry wings were feasible in stock KSP.

This thread itself looks pretty professionally done too. I've seen thread with no pictures, no DL, or virtually no description of the craft at all. Good job.

Thank you I appreciate your comment.I spent way to long on making this forum post so i'm glad to see that someone has noticed my efforts in this post :)

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