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Kerbal Charter Challenge!

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The Kerbal Charter Challenge!



Hey everybody! I bring you a new challenge today, the Kerbal Charter Challenge!

"But Pine," You ask, "what is the challenge about?"

Well, charter flights are when instead of buying a seat on a plane, as you normally do with normal airlines, you rent the whole aircraft for whatever thing you have to do with it. These charter aircraft can be anything from a small single seat prop plane to full-on jumbo jets, so it leaves a lot of room for a huge array of possible designs. This challenge is comprised of two flight routes you can attempt, each with their own missions and requirements!


There are rules, of course, that are common to both routes:



No use of the cheat menu allowed.

Exiting the atmosphere is not allowed (69,999m and lower is fine though).

Only jet and/or prop planes allowed. No rocket planes.

RATO is allowed, but only for takeoff, landing procedures, and the SolidFuel is considered for your score, so factor that in.

Any RATO sleds/booster rails systems must survive somehow, otherwise the cost of it will be factored in your score as funds spent.

Any non-cheaty mods are allowed.

Autopilots are allowed, but I'd prefer if you didn't use them, unless it's better for you.

No abusing of any loopholes (please tell me if there are any).

You need to land back at the KSC in all of the classes and/or routes.

I will provide a save file for this.

FAR is fine, but please specify you're using it.

As Van Disaster pointed out, electric planes get infinity points under the rules. So any entry which uses electric propulsion will be scored differently and have a notation on the entry, like so: User (points)*


Important Stuff For Your Entry:

For your entry to be valid, you must not break any of the rules and show: Pictures/video of takeoff, flight, landing at the airport, whatever you are doing at the airport, takeoff from airport, flight back to KSC, and final landing. Also tell us what class you're participating in. BTW, you can do more than on class with a single entry, if you're so daring!


The cost of Liquid Fuel as of 1.1.3 is: 0.8 Funds per unit (liters, I'm assuming). So base your fuel dependent scores off of this value.

The cost of SolidFuel as of 1.1.3 is: 0.6 Funds per unit, from my napkin math taken from dividing the cost of an SRB's fuel and dividing by the cost of the fuel.

The cost of oxidizer (i case you need it for things that are not rockets) as of 1.1.3 is 0.18 Funds per liter, according to the wiki.


The save file for the challenge is here!

Simply make a folder and place the persistence file in it, put the folder in the saves folder and load up the game to attempt!



Anyway, here are the routes you can participate in!




Polar Charter:

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Bush Charter:

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Round-The-World Trips

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Edited by Pine
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Hi there,

I built a simple small plane and performed the rescue mission. The time was 45:04, whis is probably better than ambulance would perform where I live :D

Here's the album:

It was a nice relaxed flight, thanks for the challenge,


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If I can find some time I'll build something ( or more than one thing ) - I'll be using FAR though ( and pilot assistant, sorry some of us have issues with hands ).

So to summarize, only engines which require IntakeAir, don't abuse freedom of part choice, and you've got to actually do the trip rather than hyperedit?

Loophole: electric aircraft engines don't consume fuel. Ergo one passenger/smallest cargo possible will have a score of infinity. Not intended, I suspect :)

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Also, can we make seperate categories for those who use FAR and those who don't, as aerodynamics are vastly different between the two...

EDIT: Do I have to leave the kerbals aboard the passengerplane at the polar airport? :P

Edited by Adelaar
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As soon as an entry with FAR is presented, I will make a separate leaderboard!

Also, you don't need to disembark the kerbals, just get them there. We can pretend they got out, did stuff and got back in to go home.

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Well, they appear to be all very happy to be underway...8Pr5CcA.jpg

EDIT: And it appears they were right to be scared, I seemed to have made a bit of a kerbal landing and blew off my engines. And then, many things happened. lDRAzQ3.jpg

Now I have to start all over again -_-

Edited by Adelaar
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So I decided that landing and taking off consumes too much fuel so I flew over your Polar Airport with 46 Kerbals in command chairs and dropped them as I flew by ... Thing is only 43 survived :rolleyes:

Started the flight with 7520 fuel and landed back at KSC with 1941 fuel .... I'm not including the deceased Kerbals in my calculations which means I delivered 43 Kerbals to the Polar Airport

7520 - 1941 = 5579
5579 / 43 = 129.744
129.744 * 0.8 = 103.795

And here is a video of the actual drop .... all who survived landed within 1 klick of the airport


Edited by DoctorDavinci
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Alright, just completed the passenger ferry. I had 50 kerbals (of which 4 crew) aboard the C1 Stratos, which burned through 2984 units of fuel to make the round trip.

This leads to a fuel consumption of 59,68 units per kerbal, and 64,8 units per passenger.


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Had a go at the rescue mission using my B4 Falcon, took me 32:50. Could've been a minute faster, if it weren't for the wheel friction to cause the aircraft to slide away from Hayne, meaning I had to repeatedly attempt to grab the ladder. Oh well. :)


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  On 7/19/2016 at 7:13 AM, Adelaar said:

@Van Disaster, holy... that thing would never get off the ground in stock Aero. What's it called? Kairbus A4000?


Generally unprintable swearwords, at the moment :PI did build something bigger once.

I suspect it would actually lift off in stock, but it'd have a really awful time climbing. One major problem is the biggest landing gear still aren't long enough.

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Wow this is ezpz :D Uhh it's not :D 

BTW is it allowed to set reentry heating to 50%? I could do the rescue even faster but everything would explode with reentry heating at 100% as in the save file provided.

Anyway, here is the super-fast rescue mission that took 27:15 MET. This learned me a couple of things about arresting parachutes and explosion-free high-speed flight. Quicksaves were quite useful. And don't blame me for the "Biomes visible in map" thing, I don't consider it as cheating because it's a simple visual aid used by almost every airline or space program. (A real paper map doesn't have dark areas for the night part of earth, doesn't it?) I didn't use any other Alt+F12!


Edited by TheDestroyer111
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Exceptionally cheap and fast plane "Snowball": RAPIER and hypersonic cruising at 25 km of altitiude. 6 passengers and one pilot, 17 minutes from takeoff to landing.

Points - 28.8 (I spent 216 units of for 6 kerbals)

P.S. Imgur album was updated with flight back to KSC


Edited by Mesklin
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@TheDestroyer111, incredible rescue! Not to mention a very kerbal rescue, with parts exploding and even a lost engine at the end! I would let you put heating to 50%, bu then I'd have to let everyone else too, so just to keep an even level of difficulty, let's keep it at 100%. Still, you're first! 


@Mesklin, you entry is one of the best ones so far, but sadly you haven't provided any proof you landed back at the KSC, and as such I can't put you in the leaderboard yet. If you send proof of you coming back from the poles though, it seems like you'd be first in the passenger flights board, and by the looks of it, you have fuel to come back! :wink:

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Well, Imgur has committed suicide, so you're going to have to put up with 3 shots and a link to a Flickr album. This is with FAR.


Trip album

The brakes hardly worked at all on the landing back at KSC, so I had to hit full reverse thrust & then taxi back onto the runway, burned an unfortunate amount of fuel. Steering is awfully difficult when you have no steerable wheels, too. If I do this again I'm going to have to use some robotics to steer with, or B9 compressed air thrusters or something.

So that's 22*16 pax + 3 crew, total of 355 souls. Fuel use from start to finish, 1679-393 = 1286

Fuel cost/souls on board = (1286*0.8)/355 = 2.9

Edited by Van Disaster
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Since nobody is taking on the cargo mission at the moment, I'll be the one to start it off :)The Imgur album is here, but the preview doesn't work. I'll post a few seperate pictures and the album at the bottom.

I've used my C4 Constellation to haul a total of 50,835 kg of cargo to the Polar airport. In total, I've used 4488 units of fuel to do so. This gives me a fuel consumption of 88,3 units per tonne, and thus 70,6 points.

Prepped for take-off:


In flight


Weight (bottom left corner) and fuel prior to unloading cargo




Weight (bottom left corner) after unloading cargo (cargo weight displayed in imgur album)


Back @ KSC, stationary (with fuel read-out)





The rest of the album, once it works again...


Sorry about the long post. Imgur is annoying :/

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Imgur is broken and likely staying that way, I'd really recommend finding another hosting site. Sticking your images in spoiler tags works pretty well though.

I did another passenger run with a stretched plane; took off easier than the smaller one but for some reason it really didn't want to land on the runway... think I took 8 runs at it before it landed without destroying something ( usually a couple of bits around the tail ) and I had to land so fast that despite touching down at the threshold it ran off the end again. Landed on the ice just fine...

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That's 30x16+3 = 480 onboard
1979-562 = 1417 fuel used

And a final score of (1417*0.8)/480 = 2.35

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