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HELP. My kerbal is stuck on a crater because he can't walk up the hills

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Apparently the Mun is made of soap. My Kerbal keeps sliding back down. This is incredibly frustrating. I've used up all my EVA fuel. How can I get out of this crater? Are there mods that will increase ground friction?

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How about sending some replacement propellant?  Or if you want, you could just pretend you sent some more propellant and use the alt-f12 infinite propellant "cheat," just long enough to get your Kerbal out of the sticky...er slippery situation.

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If you're trying to stay somewhat realistic, you'll need to send a rescue mission to the crater in order to save your kerbal.  If you're not worried about that, then kBob's suggestion of infinite fuel should do the job nicely since you can fly on the Mun.  The other option is to abandon the kerbal altogether and call it a learning experience.

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Jumping may get you up the hill when walking won't. So try holding down W and holding down the spacebar when you are near the ground.

Also, they only slide downhill when the slope is very steep. So there may be a less steep wall of the crater that you could walk up.

-- Or you may still be able to walk up the hill diagonally, instead of straight up it?


Edited by bewing
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I think (for once) I'd go with reality here and send a small unmanned probe with an empty capsule and land it in the crater so my stranded guy could refill his propellant. 

Or might it be possible to re-position the vessel he's presumably aiming for? 

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