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largest space plane launched rocket.

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1.The rocket must be launched from a space plane at an altitude above 10 km.

2.mods are allowed but please no crazy config edits.

3.please post 3 pictures, one with your craft on the runway, the decoupling and/ or launch of your rocket from the carrier craft and in orbit around kerbin.

4.it is optional but recommended that you use mechjeb to measure the weight of your craft once it reaches orbit












my attempt.

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I\'m sorry but DAMN that is an ugly baby.

I\'d like to take part in this challenge but I run into the sluggish Command Pod issue, where the command pod takes on the traits of the ship it used to be attached to.

Bummer man :(

yeah it would be quite nice if they fixed that bug but oh well, and it does not have to look nice to be functional.

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yeah it would be quite nice if they fixed that bug but oh well, and it does not have to look nice to be functional.

Haha no it does not.

The challenge doesn\'t say anything about not allowing two separate vehicles.. just so long as one is carried by the other :)

Yes, but all of my craft of this type run into issues where even though I have one pod, the smaller 'child' craft is super sluggish and slow...

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