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How do I use the EVA jetpack? PS4

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I'm trying to use the jetpack on kerbin because I'm too lazy to try to get to a zero g scenario right now, how do I use the jetpack? 

EDIT: L2 and R2, but unfortunately, jet packs don't work so well in gravity. 

Edited by Deafiroth
Answered own question, and also has been answered.
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The first part of the answer is that the jetpack is not powerful enough to get you airborne, or to stop a fall, on Kerbin. So while you will be able to see the animation, you will not be able to test the jetpack much there.

Otherwise: the jetpack is an RCS-based system. So you click the "RCS" button on your navball to activate it. The Kerbonaut will reach down and rotate the jetpack controls into position.

In space, unless you do some very special things, the Kerbonaut's helmet is always forced to point North. You have control of all the other axes. On a PC, you use the mouse to rotate the Kerbonaut's point of view. This may also rotate the Kerbonaut, depending on your settings. I suppose it might be the "cursor" that does the same thing on a console, maybe.

Beyond that, one of your joysticks should allow you to thrust forward, backward, left, and right. There should also be two more buttons somewhere that allow you to thrust up and down -- but I have no idea which ones those might be. It's very important to find them! And please tell us all which ones they are when you find them.

You have 5 units of RCS fuel, which is enough to change your speed by 600 m/s in level flight. Boarding any craft will refill your jetpack's tanks.

Helpful hint: if you slam into something and start to tumble out of control -- activate the timewarp for an instant, and then cancel it. This will stop the tumbling and return control to you.

Edited by bewing
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The hardest thing about learning to EVA is the rotation controls. There's some kind of weird click+drag scheme that's the default on PC, but it's always baffled me. You may not have a similar option on console, unless it's a hold-button-plus-stick kind of thing.

What I have found to work, though, is if I re-orient the camera pointing the way I want the Kerbal to face, pressing the "jump" key (space on PC) prompts him/her to rotate to that orientation. You may want to see if that works for you, too.

(I'l have to check on this tonight, though; there may have been some kind of auto-rotate-to-default-on-thrust option I disabled in the settings as well. Will report back)

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  • 3 months later...

To go up and down with a Kerbonaut, use L2, and R2.  I don't remember which one goes to which, but, I'm sure you can figure it out.  (I think). Also, the buttons are the same for both consoles.  For PC, it's Shift(up) and Control(down).  Hope that helps! :P  Derp, didn't see the first answer.   Unobservant me... :rolleyes:

Edited by MrCalvinator
Didn't see first answer
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