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How do I save a stranded Astronaut (ps4)

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I've got the two ships close to one another, but can't figure out how to control the other ship to make the pilot exit (ps4 controls are kind of a pain in the ass). Also this was a contract mission, so the other ship isn't one I've created.

        Help would be greatly appreciated.

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The two ships need to be less than 2.3km apart. Then there is a keystroke you need to find -- is there a key translation thing anywhere that you know of?

To switch focus between ships that are close together, on a PC you hit the [ and ] keys. Whatever those two keys are mapped to on a PS4. Those are the only keys that will solve this.

When you switch focus to the victim's ship, you have to tell the occupant to EVA. Then you turn on your new kerbonaut's RCS jetpack with the RCS key (or clicking on the RCS button on the navball might work). Then you gently fly over to the rescue ship and board it. Then you reenter back to Kerbin to pick up the rest of your money, complete your contract, and get a new contract.

Edited by bewing
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Help with controls

You need to rendezvous with the stranded ship,  once you  are near enough ( 200m  I think, someone please confirm/correct me) change focused ship,  then move the stranded pilot by EVA and return safely to kerbin. 


Hope this helps,  since I play in PC I, fortunately, don't know much about messy console controls. 



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mmm, so as long as it load up I can switch vessels?  I was under assumption that game counted stranded as "unowned", as thus wouldn't give me control, until I got much closer.  I usually go for a very close rendezvous anyway,  but good to  know if I find myself short in fuel. 

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