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KSP Code Review


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You lucky ducks at Squad...You might have worked for your respective Software Engineering Concerns before, but now you\'re (sorta) bigtime. making your own hours, paying your own salaries, working out of your mom\'s basement...Living the life man.

I bet when you left your companies for Squad you thought you\'d never have to do another dreaded code review again. You were wrong.

Just kidding. Kind of.

1.) I got a big ass error just now and was reading through the logfile...is it just me or is it reporting a LOT of errors in strange places-that have nothing to do with my error? Arrays out of bounds, textures not found? I guess that\'s just the charm of an Alpha product huh?


NP.RadialLargeLiquidBooster Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5

You guys are awesome. Carry on good sirs.


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