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1.1.3 science jr: is it just me?


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32 minutes ago, SpacedCowboy said:

I say, stick it inside a large storage bay with some heat shield below it, and forget about it! (no I'm not from New York)

Adjust ablator to speed of re-entry. You should be good.


 Unfortunately, the large storage bay isn't available in caveman game play. The objective is to fill out the tech tree through level 5 in career without upgrading any facilities.

 The Science Jr worked okay in 1.1.2, but in my case the update to 1.1.3 made it unreliable. I could do everything "right" and it would still blow up.  The radiator seemed to do the trick for me.

 Now that I've completed caveman, I'll try some faster reentries just to be sure the radiator fixes it.



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22 hours ago, GoSlash27 said:


 Unfortunately, the large storage bay isn't available in caveman game play. The objective is to fill out the tech tree through level 5 in career without upgrading any facilities.

 The Science Jr worked okay in 1.1.2, but in my case the update to 1.1.3 made it unreliable. I could do everything "right" and it would still blow up.  The radiator seemed to do the trick for me.

 Now that I've completed caveman, I'll try some faster reentries just to be sure the radiator fixes it.



Oops! sorry , guess I skimmed over the "cave man thing" ( I wouldn't last one Kerbal hour )

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38 minutes ago, SpacedCowboy said:

Slash, just for S & G's Explain just what "cave man" is. I think I know kind of but I'll bet there's a lot of newbies out there that don't!

Well... "Caveman" is a challenge that has been floating around since KSP 1.0.4. The objective is simple: Fill out the tech tree like this:


The difficulty is that you have to do it

- in stock KSP career mode with no mods
- No cheats
- Default difficulty settings

and most importantly

- No upgrading any of the facilities

 This means that you have to do it within the limitations of beginning stock career, which is 18t vehicle mass, 30 part limit, no maneuver nodes, action groups, or target tracking, lumpy runway, etc. And you can only use the parts that you unlock as you go.

The challenge encourages learning how to make do with less and unorthodox problem solving, It's sort of like a "hell week" for aspiring kerbonauts; if it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger.

If anyone's interested, the challenge thread is here:


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For what it's worth, I mentioned this same issue back in April:


I don't recall ever getting an answer other than "you're doing it wrong", but the overheating issues with the materials bay since 1.0.5 is nothing new and not just you.


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