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Returning for a play through


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Hey everyone, its been awhile since I've been on ksp i love doing career mode runs, basically I just stopped after 1.0 was looking at some of the posts around and have been looking at making my install and had a few questions.

Whats happened to ckan exactly, is it still usable? I've noticed a lot of mods aren't updated on it anymore.

Are there any massive amazing mods that have come out in the last few months i should check out? my favorite mod from back in the day was alternis but i suppose i should be looking for an alternative planet pack

Is this a good time to do a play through or is there some game breaking bug i haven't seen a post about yet? (like the broken landing wheels from a little bit ago)  


Thanks to anyone who can help

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19 hours ago, Tohau said:

Whats happened to ckan exactly, is it still usable? I've noticed a lot of mods aren't updated on it anymore.

There was a big discussion in at least one thread here in the add-on subforum, if you want to read up on it. I didn't follow it myself, nor do I really know what caused the stir in the first place, but I know that one of the results was that CKAN is no longer allowed to distribute ModuleManager (or something to that effect). And since ModuleManager is a hard dependency for like, three quarters of all mods, that means that all those mods can no longer be properly dstributed by CKAN either.

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You're a bit behind on the issues:  Pulling ModuleManager was the big bargaining chip on the side of the mod authors who had issues with how CKAN's metadata files were maintained but it has long since been put back.

One thing that has happened is that there are tighter restrictions on who can make and maintain the distributed metadata files for CKAN.  This means that it will be slower in reacting to mod updates and there are now some mods with no one who does the metadata at all.  For now, if there is a mod you really want that doesn't have metadata support you will have to install it yourself or make a metadata file for your own use.

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