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How can I get a docking port?

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if I make an add-on "ModuleSnapDock" and use Module Manager to add it to all docking ports, how, in C# would I obtain the DockingPort object from inside the code in order to access and manipulate it's variables, properties and methods?

Edited by Xyphos
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ok, I can't seem to get the code to work?
I've compiled the DLL and copied it to KSP, module manager loads it, but I can't get the KSPField to show in the editor context menu

		name = SnapDock


namespace SnapDock
    public class SnapDock : PartModule
        [KSPField(guiName = "Angle Snap", guiFormat = "N0", guiUnits = "°", isPersistant = true, guiActive = true, guiActiveEditor = true)]
        [UI_FloatEdit(scene = UI_Scene.All, minValue = 0, maxValue = 180, incrementSmall = 1, incrementLarge = 5, incrementSlide = 5)]
        public int AngleSnap = 5;


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  1. Remove the '@' in "@MODULE". You're not editing an existing module, you're adding a brand new one so you dont want to use any modifiers
  2. ":AFTER" what? After has a parameter if you need to use it. If this mod doesn't depend on any other mod, you would use FOR[<myModFolderName>] as well (before/after are for compatibility, FOR is to add it to your mods pass. PS dont combine FOR and BEFORE/AFTER in the same definition as that would put it in two different passes at once...)
Edited by Crzyrndm
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