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Want to add OnFieldChange event to KSPField using UI_FloatRange

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I've got a KSPField that is available in the editor scene. It has some default values and it allow a player to change it via the slider in the right click menu.

[KSPField(isPersistant = true, guiActiveEditor = false, guiName = "Surface Sample Capacity"), UI_FloatRange(minValue = 0, maxValue = 50, stepIncrement = 1)]
public float maxSurfaceSampleCapacityRange = 0;

I want to run a piece of code once a player has changed that figure via the slider. I saw there is a "onFieldChanged" event under the uiControlEditor of the field I'm looking at. How do I get that event to run my code?

Callbacks confuse me at the moment, but I'm not sure it that is even what I should be looking at. Sorry in advance if it's a straightforward solution. :confused:

Edited by wile1411
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For the particular use I'm looking at now:

        private void UIEvent_onTweakableChange(BaseField field, object what)
            needUpdate = true;

        private void SetupUIFieldCallbacks()
            for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++)
                var uiField = Fields[i].uiControlEditor;
                if (uiField.GetType().FullName == "UI_FloatRange")
                    uiField.onFieldChanged = UIEvent_onTweakableChange;

Nothing difficult!

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I'm not a new coder ( I'm a very lapsed coder ) but I'm new to C#; I think the assignment should probably be

uiField.onFieldChanged += UIEvent_onTweakableChange;

which is ( seems at least ) C# specific. onFieldChanged is a MulticastDelegate, which is a construct which can execute multiple bits of code which you might want to read about ( and then read about somewhere other than MS's document site! ).

Edited by Van Disaster
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