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Community Motorcycles


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One thing that I have been interested in with KSP is making machines for ground use. Among these ill-fitting machines to a space game, I have begun making motorcycles.

Anyone out here make any motorcycles? It would be nice to see what others have made. Let us know what mods you have used for your motorcycle, and try to post a pic of it.

Motorcycles are perhaps useless in KSP. I have found that using both reaction wheels and motorized wheels tend to be problematic, causing me to use jet engines for propelling the motorcycle. I have constructed one for use on the Mun and Minmus using the stock Xenon thruster, and that was nice for ground travel, until I crashed it.

But I think my favorite was constructing the Mach Fenrir. I had to use Tweakscale, and it has been known to reach 67 M/s (150 MPH). Nice for Kerbin use. A link to it is below.



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