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Stage 1 - The Highwind V1.0 is born

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Ever since i started playing this game there was one thing ive wanted to do, and im surprised no one else has just yet. Its so far been alot of fun.

Coming up -

Textures!! wheey...

The Tiny Bronco

Emerald Weapon

Cids Spaceship

and maybe the Sub..

Will keep this updated as soon as ive got those textures on im going to Mun.

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I am particularly fond of the Ragnarok, the airships from XI and the Prima Vista, but I suspect these will all be pretty hard to model/texture.

Still, this thread has made my day :D

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Also, figured i could make some materia holders to put all across the ship at various points. Which can hold

Blue materia - SAS

Green materia - Demi (Blimp in disguise)

Red Materia - Fire (decoupler bullets)

Don think Summons will work just yet, maybe the Fat chocobo wark.

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Got most of the textures done to the first design. Fairly basic but now at a stage where i can add all the nice details to really bring it together.

Doesnt fly anymore, but will need to go through all the CFG\'s fully.

Fixed! Flys like a dream, and even floats pretty well too, can pick up some good speed on the water.

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