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Rcs thrust

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I don't know what platform you are using, but on Xbox you need to be in docking mode. You can click the icon or press the "Y" button to select it. In docking mode, press "A" to toggle between translation and rotation. The indicator glows blue for translation and green for rotation.  Translation allows you to move without rotating using the left stick to move left, right, forward and back. R2 and L2 allow you to move up and down. It's easier to control in the "locked" camera view. Make sure RCS is enabled! 

Hope this helps! 

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Playing xbox! Damn wasted docking for 4 hours finally get close enough and and crashed too much speed #$@* thanks for info try it docking mode but still it's very hard to do! Looks like pc you can control those rcs engines without docking mode to use forward and backward control? But i try tomorrow with better luck i hope.

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A few things that I learned that may be helpful. I'm playing on console as well and it took many tries. This works well for me, but I'm no pro. I'm able to dock every attempt now. (Some are not so graceful) Once you do it it gets easier every time.

- Get about 5k away from your target and retrograde until your target speed is at 0m/s

- Burn on the target node until the prograde market is inside the target node. Adjust to keep them lined up as you travel closer. I usually travel between 10-40m/s.

- At 1k away burn retro again to 0m/s.

- Line target with prograde again 1-5m/s.

- I use my rockets until I'm about 25 meters away. Full stop again. Set target to the docking port. Line up on target. Then turn on RCS.

- In linear docking reverse and forward RCS while lined up on target node to control your speed. Use rotational to keep keep yourself lined up. Keep a slow approach. You can also adjust left, right, up and down in linear. Keep and eye on your speed and lining up your nav ball on target with prograde inside it. If it get out of control just slow to 0m/s. Line up with staging mode RCS and off. And start Docking mode again.

- Once you feel the magnetic pull of the docking ports turn off RCS and SAS.

- Oh and trust the NAV ball! All the information you need is there. The only time I look at my ship is to see the angle of my ship in relation to the docking port.

Good luck!

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