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The Interplanetary Docking Hub Challenge

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The Space Program gone bust. All their benefactors had pulled out, leaving them with no contract work and therefore no way of making a profit or even breaking even. Unfortunately, there was a problem. A big problem. All the long term interplanetary missions were still flying with no chance of return before the Space Center shut down. Lucky for them, Billy-Bobbles Kerman had had a small stake in the Space Program which he had cashed in before it had become completely worthless. He knew that he had to help as many of the stranded crews as possible. So, on the very last possible day, he cobbled together a small rocket that would allow the scattered craft to dock and refuel eachother so that they could all come home safely.


Your mission:

Launch a Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector, along with a docking port on all attachment points, to another body for less than 50,000 funds (or roots, money, dollars, Kerbin Standard Monetary Units or whatever you want to call them).



(50,000 -(Mission Cost ) * (Direct DeltaV / DeltaV Expended) * (1 + (Planetary Systems Visited * 0.5)

Bonuses (added to score):

SSTO: 10000
Per Kerbal (No seats): 5000



Informational mods, visual mods and parts mods that aren’t overpowered are allowed. Other mods are banned unless you ask me and I approve them.



  1.  Nobody yet


My Attempt:

This is by no means a good attempt and should not be interpreted as the best possible.


My score:

Direct DeltaV: 5076 m/s
Actual DeltaV: 5546 m/s
Mission Cost: 23330 funds

(50,000 -(23330) * (5076 / 5546) = 24409.4229035



 Cheats are banned, questions are appreciated and will be answered as soon as possible and any suggestions just PM me or put in this thread.

The "Direct DeltaV" is the optimum DeltaV to perform the transfer(s) that you did, calculated by Alexmoon's Launch Window Planner in the first 10 years from the start of the Space Program. Use the orbital heights actually used by your mission. 
For example, if you went to Jool using two Eve gravity assists, then went to Duna with help from Tylo, you would enter a Kerbin - Jool transfer (making sure to set the latest departure date to Year 10, Day 1) including circularisation. If you go from an 80km Kerbin orbit to a 210km Jool orbit, this will result in a DeltaV of  4,881 m/s. Repeat this for the Jool - Duna transfer (60km Duna orbit), getting  4,345 m/s of DeltaV for that. Finally, add the two values as well as the 3400 m/s (the DeltaV needed to get into orbit in 1.1.3 according to the DeltaV map) to get 12626 m/s as your Direct DeltaV.

Visiting the Kerbin System does not count towards your score. At least one other system must be visited to qualify.


Edited by Drone_Kerbal
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