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My issues with RP-0 - Could use help making my own RSS/RO Career Overhaul


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I recently started up yet another RSS/RO/RP0 career for fun, but about 30 seconds in a saw a lot of issues which have plagued me in the past and just in general made me feel less... realistic; which being that I was playing with Realism Overhaul, Real Solar System and Realistic Progression 0, there might be an issue.

My first of many issues is that RP-0 is so part stiff. I add a few mods which are realistic in my mind and 90% of them are voided as "non-rp0". There's more to spaceflight than planes and rockets, NASA has been pursuing science with high altitude balloons, ground based astronomy, naval water research and more- so seeing the tech tree and outside parts limited kind of puts me off. If nothing else I want it to be an open tech tree, not a closed one.

My other issue is (which this one could be opinion based debatably) that I want to start much earlier than the default 1950 tech tree. I want to start at 1900, right before the birth of modern cars, planes, and especially space flight. We must not forget that the huge initial stepping stones for spaceflight occurred in the 1930s and 1940s and I want to be a part of it!  I

My last and sole issue is one where I must sadly agree with @Veeltch's idea with a slightly different career mode progression :/ . Buying science points to unlock parts does feel a bit awkward in RSS/RO.

Now Note; All this said; I understand that the mod makers can only do so much and they are limited. These are great mods and I love each of these mods as they are amazingly well made (not to mention the amazing support provided with them), so I do not blame them for what I've said, if anything it's a vision thing. My ideas for what RP-0 should be are just simply different from theirs.

That said; If someone also feels that RP-0's progression is a bit off and has modding skills; I'd love to make a new career mode! I have the basic premise in my head as well. Only problem is I can't make it myself :) .

Also please do not suggest me to do it; I've tried to learn to mod and I failed miserably.

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44 minutes ago, raidernick said:

So basically you want someone to make a mod for you and do it your way? Good luck with that...

(ignoring obvious passive aggression in your statement)

A different way yes. I feel that RP-0 just isn't my speed and there may be someone else out there who agrees with me.

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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