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More efficient ways remove space debris?

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this was the first time I tried to build a rocket to bring space debris back to Kerbin. God... this was so frustrating. To get to orbit is one thing - to get to orbit at a specific time, to a specific point, with a specific orbit... My rocket was too big, I think, and no fuel for RCS trusters. At least I found the mod 'Damned Robotics Version 1.2' which\'s claw is very useful.

KSP - catching space debris

But is there an easier way to catch debris or some tips I can follow? Is it possible to 'remote control' rocket parts without a command module? I\'m new to this game (play it for a week or so), sorry. :(

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If you want to catch the debris and deorbit it, then you will have to rendezvous with it everytime. I would recommend using Kosmo-Not\'s rendezvous table to catch up with it, then just practice until you can touch it. I usually use a basket to catch the pieces, then slowly turn them and deorbit them.

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You can blow up the debris with a laser. I\'m too lazy to give you the url that will lead you to the laser so just search for it using the keywords: Sunbeam Laser. It can auto target any debris OR ship as long as its in view, however, it can only hit the target when its 2km away so rendezvous skills is a must. It also overheats quickly so I suggest putting some radiator panels to help dissipate the heat or else KABLOOWEY!!

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Attach a mechjeb module to your stages, decouple with a little bit of fuel left, enough to deorbit the stage then you can switch to the debris and use the \'landing\' feature of MechJeb to bring \'er down.

alternately. Laser it.

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Why should it be derby at all in orbit..Just redefine your rockets so that they dont decouple at orbit..

- 3 Stage rocket, 1st stage for the stratosphere..

2nd Stage for the orbital turn, runs out of fuel around ~2000m/s

3rd Stage your service 'shuttle'..

Nice and clean.. Yes it takes some dead kerbals and a few days to fine tune the rocket, but its possible..


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  Atimed said:

Why should it be derby at all in orbit..Just redefine your rockets so that they dont decouple at orbit..

- 3 Stage rocket, 1st stage for the stratosphere..

2nd Stage for the orbital turn, runs out of fuel around ~2000m/s

3rd Stage your service 'shuttle'..

Nice and clean.. Yes it takes some dead kerbals and a few days to fine tune the rocket, but its possible..


The only problem with this is that, depending on what you\'re trying to lift, not all rockets are capable of leaving zero debris in orbit. You could get around it by leaving fuel in tanks you dump to keep them away from orbit, but then you\'re carrying dead weight and using more power than necessary to lift your payload. You can trim down the power to compensate, but then you\'re going to be fighting to bring the same payload to the same altitude with less power/fuel and it all becomes cyclical at that point.

Sometimes you need as much fuel as you can if you\'re doing a landing/return trip and can\'t just throw stuff away when it\'s convenient. I\'m sure lots of kerbonauts out there have had to ditch stages after the fuel only gets them 3/4 of the way to their destination, and then the debris is just sitting there in a huge eliptical orbit around Kerbin.

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I design my craft to minimize debris.

Fairings and other expendable parts should be jettisoned before you make orbit.

Small retro rockets are useful for making sure lower stages don\'t end up hanging around in orbit.

Upper stages should have more fuel than necessary, and you should ditch them at times when they will impact a body.

If I have to leave something in space, I consider it a failure.

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and then the debris is just sitting there in a huge eliptical orbit around Kerbin.
I\'m sure lots of kerbonauts out there have had to ditch stages after the fuel only gets them 3/4 of the way to their destination..

- My plan was fora a simple double lander, but im not shure what payload u need to push to orbit on when u can touchdown on Minimus, Mun and on Kerbal.. with a 6 T lander with 750l of fuel in the lander..

- Tanks dont need to drop all tanks at Kerbal.. drop them at Mun, Minimos or even at Kerbol..

If I have to leave something in space, I consider it a failure.

- Back to the drawing board.. :P

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Well, I\'m not saying it\'s impossible to do under all circumstances, but just that sometimes crap happens and stages aren\'t decoupled at the most opportune of times. Not everyone who plays KSP (or other rocket sims) is an engineer or even necessarily someone who wants to do math to figure out exactly how much fuel they need to bring what they have where they want it.

I landed what was essentially 10 tons of dead weight on the Mun without leaving any debris, but it involved launching at the correct time in order to ensure the right trajectory so I didn\'t leave stages in orbit; the stage before my descent ended up crashing into the Mun and I still had to dump my second stage after ascent early so I didn\'t leave it in orbit. People might not have the mods with the necessary fuel tanks to carry what they need, and then they\'re dumping half tanks of fuel, which is just carrying dead weight they may not feel like calculating for.

Sometimes it happens and not everyone wants to do the math or repeated trial and error to figure it out is all I\'m saying.

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Now with v0.16 I have to rebuild my rockets anyway. But that\'s ok, more fun to me. :)

And yes, I already try to build rockets that leave behind as little space junk as possible, but thats often not easy. We have the same problem with space junk in our real world and I want to 'play' (find good solutions without tricks like editing files or settings) it in the game too. It gives me more activities in the game I can do. ;D

  roarke said:

StanE, some sort of magnets will be cool !

Oh yes, magnets! 8) I didn\'t saw them in the new version, will look again. Or do you mean plugins?

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My 2c...

* Do what NASA and every other space agency does - leave it there

* Set Max Debris to a low level

* Avoid leaving debis with better designed rockets

... and besides, a little debris here and there makes it more realistic.

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I would imagine a solution would be easy, but doesn\'t work ATM. I have a rocket that can easily place 1x small solid rocket in retrograde firing position. It is linked to the separation of the stages, but doesn\'t work when the stages are separated.

BTW anyone interested in a great show about space debris, check out the Anime 'Planets'.

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I love the idea of using the claw to grab and de-orbit debris! I\'m a huge fan of doing things the hard way, since it\'s so much fun. But I don\'t understand why you ride the bitch into the ground. As soon as you have retro thrusted to ensure re-entry, let the debris go and nudge yourself back into orbit, then go for another piece. If you have enough fuel when you first reach orbit, you might be able to send three or more pieces of debris into the atmosphere before having to re-enter yourself.

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I am keen on getting some debris out of orbit...I put a lot up there with my first 1.6 Mun rocket design before I had it fine-tuned.

Complicating this, I\'m also something of a stock purist.

Is anyone out there manually matching orbits / grappling debris with stock parts only?

I\'m planning to make an orbiter with landing leg-grapplers and lots of extra fuel / RCS, but if anyone has advice I\'d love to hear it.

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