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How to improve current mechanics

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Most people are focusing their suggestions on making new stuff, but frankly the existing stuff needs upgrade. So:

1. Make weather(yeah yeah don't yell at me its on that list)

2. Wheels: first of all, wheels need to have their tires in proportion to weight. Secondly, the player needs to determine what "coasting throttle" is for the wheels. Because a 40 ton bus will coast at a whopping 10 m/s with the medium gray wheels(forgot the name). But during this the throttle was only at 20% so it could have gone 50 m/s if the wheels stuck at 100%. And finally, wheels need to stop bouncing off parts and doing other magic.

3. Feature at least console grade graphics. Seriously, with a good CPU I don't doubt this game could run on 100 CUDA cores or equivalent. And even consoles have that power. (Even my previous gpu, GT 730). At least add some basic effects plz?

4. Try to focus less on what mods can do. Pretty much, mods can add parts and mechanics faster than devs can (usually). Consoles can't have mods, but squad is smart so they'll figure out a way to get mods in game from stuff like space dock or curse. But some things are better reserved for the base game, like completely new mechanics.

5. I would love actual river flow and, another thing is the water strip next to cape Canaveral, is something that would be doable and nice so I or anyone else could steer a bit left and go into water, for boats and seaplanes and ditchings.

cheers(insert joke here)

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