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Need help with Infernal Robotics(looked evrywhere for answere)

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I recently installed infernal robotics. Everything works fine except i cant use anything in the game. It works in the builder but when i launch it comes up with OEC/s on all of the robotics. i have batteries and controls. heres a screenshot https://snag.gy/6XeHiM.jpg . help would be appreciated as i have spent ages looking all over the internet for an answer but havent found one

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Two questions for you:

Are you certain you properly extracted and installed the MagicSmokeIndustries file to the KSP Gamedata file?

Is it the latest version both game and mod releases?

If both are yes answers I'm as clueless as yourself.

I was recently relieved of a pesky bug in Infernal Robotic's in-editor settings resetting to default the moment of launch. The IR 2.0.5 release fixed that and I believe that's the most current version until Squad update KSP to v1.2.

Good luck!

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