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FAR causing a Phantom Force with any cargo bay

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Hey guys I'm sure this is a mod conflict as I'm playing with about 150 mods but I've found that I have to uninstall FAR (which makes me sad) as any time I open a cargo bay or put parts into a cargo bay then I get a kraken that causes about 50-150kns (about .2-.7 TWR usually for the  3 different crafts I tested) of force on to my crafts CoM, I know its near the center of mass as I'm usually not getting phantom rotation, although sometimes that happens too. This force is so great it makes playing impossible. The force goes away in time warp. And the force is almost due radial (I know this as I was able to virtually hover over minmus after I used cheats to get to the surface making landing completely impossible).

The kraken doesn't manifest until I either open a bay or launch a craft with anything in a bay or clip anything through a bay, I've tested the mk2 mk3 and mk4 bays the kraken manifests with all of them. Once the kraken manifests it persists through vessel changes and will persist even after restarting the client. If I reload to a previous save and then restart the client the kraken goes away until I open any bay.

I know it's FAR as I slowly began to uninstall mods that I suspected (mechjeb, KSPI, tweakscale, Distant object enhancement) thankfully FAR was the 5th one I tried as reloading the client is a lengthy process with so many mods. Once I uninstalled FAR I was able to reinstall the other mods and everything was back to normal. I even pushed it by clipping 3.25 parts into 2.5 bays and clipping wings/other parts into and on top of those bays and parts.  

Anyone run into something similar or have a recommendation on what mods FAR doesn't play nice with?

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