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[WIP][1.1.3+] Community Space Program [Status: Concept & Ideas]


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Hi all, just thought I'd flesh something out. All idea's, feedback and suggestions are welcomed.

I like the idea that the community can collaborate on a shared space program. I know people share saves, and that there are mods to allow this (of sorts), we also have Dark Multiplayer and I've seen a few YouTube video's of players sharing responsibility to build a space station, etc.  However, it would be nice if there were a means to make this an all in one package: by having a schedule of flights, facility to upload and download saves/scenario's, communicate, log, etc.

I'm suggesting a website that I'd like to create whereby a single save is created, stripped of non-essentials and uploaded to a server. Community members can then create their own groups, allowing others to join in a community goal, create a schedule of flights that other users can commit to, perform scheduled actions and then re-upload the file allowing the next scheduled user to download and continue.

Any thoughts?

I mean, this could all be garbage really, but it would be good to see.

Edited by udk_lethal_d0se
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I could probably whip up a program to merge saves, so you fly a mission, merge the craft into the save, while other people fly other missions. Community effort to get through the tech tree, no save passing or multiplayer required. If you dock to a station you just merge that to. That'd be cool.

Thread probably belongs in Discussions though.

Edited by greenTurtle1134
Added thought about thread location
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On 9/25/2016 at 10:11 PM, greenTurtle1134 said:

I could probably whip up a program to merge saves, so you fly a mission, merge the craft into the save, while other people fly other missions. Community effort to get through the tech tree, no save passing or multiplayer required. If you dock to a station you just merge that to. That'd be cool.

Thread probably belongs in Discussions though.

Not a bad idea.

I've been thinking about having a standard save created dynamically (server-side) by players, choosing options (budget, etc) to their liking and then starting their program using that file. Then each scheduled [player] flight goes about performing their mission and uploading it back to the group, with comments, sort of like versioning.

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