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kerbals duplicating on EVA return

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Sometimes when a kerbal goes on EVA and tries to return to the vessel, I get control of the ship but the kerbal seems to stay outside the vessel and I cannot select them. They effectively die. It's really annoying I just hope I have a savegame that I can manually backup at that point then restart.

It is too erratic to be able to reliably reproduce, so I haven't been able to minimise my plugin set. My full list of plugins is (and latest versions in CKAN):

            "name": "ModuleManager"
            "name": "FerramAerospaceResearch"
            "name": "ModularFlightIntegrator"
            "name": "RemoteTech"
            "name": "KerbalEngineerRedux"
            "name": "SVE-Sunflare"
            "name": "SVE-HighResolution"
            "name": "Chatterer"
            "name": "SCANsat"


I've attached the logs of what happens for the entire EVA and there are two exceptions, but I cannot see which module is causing the problem.


[LOG 21:15:30.961] [F: 24232]: [05:07:31]: Anchel Kerman from MunSci3 went on EVA.
[LOG 21:15:30.972] [ModularFlightIntegrator] MFI Start
[LOG 21:15:30.972] [ModularFlightIntegrator] Start. VesselModule on vessel : 

[LOG 21:15:30.972] Handling Stuff for KerbalEVA / Flag
[LOG 21:15:31.043] Adding vox box to Kerbal / Flag
[LOG 21:15:31.073] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Anchel Kerman ---------------------- 
[LOG 21:15:31.074] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Anchel Kerman
[WRN 21:15:31.078] [Part]: kerbalEVA (Anchel Kerman) holds crew but has no interior model defined!
[LOG 21:15:31.093] [CHATR] Capsule starts the exchange...
[EXC 21:15:31.096] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
	System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Renderer].get_Item (Int32 index)
	Part.highlight (Color highlightColor)
	Part.highlight (Boolean active)
	Part.SetHighlight (Boolean active, Boolean recursive)
	Part.SetHighlightDefault ()
	KSP.UI.Screens.Flight.TemperatureGauge.OnDestroy ()
[LOG 21:15:32.184] Updating vessel voxel for Anchel Kerman
[LOG 21:15:32.312] Std dev for smoothing: 3 voxel total vol: 0.200000095367443 filled vol: 0.201879643291949

[LOG 21:15:33.715] [Experiments]: Setting FX Modules to 1...
[LOG 21:15:33.715] [Experiments]: FX Modules set: 1
[LOG 21:15:39.062] [Experiments]: Setting FX Modules to 0...
[LOG 21:15:39.062] [Experiments]: FX Modules set: 0
[LOG 21:15:39.063] [F: 24475]: [00:00:08]: Anchel Kerman boarded Mk1 Lander Can on MunSci3.
[LOG 21:15:39.063] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel MunSci3 ---------------------- 
[LOG 21:15:39.064] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: MunSci3
[LOG 21:15:39.068] Camera Mode: AUTO
[EXC 21:15:39.083] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
	System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Renderer].get_Item (Int32 index)
	Part.highlight (Color highlightColor)
	Part.highlight (Boolean active)
	Part.SetHighlight (Boolean active, Boolean recursive)
	KSP.UI.Screens.StageIcon.HighlightPart (Boolean highlightState)
	KSP.UI.Screens.StageIcon.Highlight (Boolean highlightState, Boolean highlightReferencedPart)
	KSP.UI.Screens.ProtoStageIcon.CreateIcon (Boolean alertStagingSequencer)
	Vessel.ResumeStaging ()
	Vessel.MakeActive ()
	FlightGlobals.setActiveVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean force)
	FlightGlobals.ForceSetActiveVessel (.Vessel v)
	KerbalEVA.proceedAndBoard (.Part p)
	KerbalEVA.BoardPart (.Part p)
	KerbalEVA.<SetupFSM>m__C9 ()
	KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt)
	KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode)
	KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM ()
	KerbalEVA.Update ()
[LOG 21:16:07.368] UIMasterController: ShowUI
[LOG 21:16:07.368] Game Paused!
[LOG 21:16:07.369] There are Kerbals on a ladder. Cannot save
[LOG 21:16:10.447] Flight State Captured



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