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The New O-10 Puff Engines

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I actually like the new engines, they look decent and they are a bit more properly sized for their thrust output as the old ones looked like XL versions of the spiders which makes no sense when they have 10X the thrust but a hair more size.  Then again, it may be the fact that i never got attached to any particular appearance.  The only logical reason against the chgange is trhat it may break older craft (making an engine considerably bigger will affect at least some crafts afterwards), but i think its a tolerable change, at least they didnt alter the stats too much as to render previous craft useless (although that is coming in the future so i need to make sure i overengineer everything so it'll remain functional after the new engine rebalance)...

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On 9/15/2016 at 1:05 PM, KSK said:

Assuming that I'm understanding compact correctly of course, which is 'fits onto the next sized down fuel tank to the standard version', and so the compact Rhino will fit onto a 2.5m tank.

"Compact" only means "without a tank butt" (the 3.5m disc on top). No guarantees that "compact" will fit anywhere, but it's lacking the part of the model that's most getting in the way when you want to be creative.

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Well, I think the mammoth getting hit with a thrust nerf isn't so great, but the vector makes perfect sense. I assume there will be mass reductions in many cases where we have thrust reductions. It also looks like the vector standard engine will be 2.5m . this seems good. I wonder if compact versions will have less mass and thrust?

The compat rhino looks a little too compact... shouldn't there be a bit more machinery associated with the combustion chamber and turbopumps? (maybe this is what was meant by Tweekers' comment "a way to sneak in the magic nozzle school of thought."

The 303 should have more thrust... I'm thinking 30 instead of 20.

Other than that...2.5m SRBs please... and maybe 0.625m SRBs as well (as many of us were hoping for when they told us they were adding a smaller SRB, and we got the flea).

Will the boat tail actually reduce drag, or is it just cosmetic?

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2 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:

Well, I think the mammoth getting hit with a thrust nerf isn't so great, but the vector makes perfect sense. I assume there will be mass reductions in many cases where we have thrust reductions. It also looks like the vector standard engine will be 2.5m . this seems good. I wonder if compact versions will have less mass and thrust?

The compat rhino looks a little too compact... shouldn't there be a bit more machinery associated with the combustion chamber and turbopumps? (maybe this is what was meant by Tweekers' comment "a way to sneak in the magic nozzle school of thought."

The 303 should have more thrust... I'm thinking 30 instead of 20.

Other than that...2.5m SRBs please... and maybe 0.625m SRBs as well (as many of us were hoping for when they told us they were adding a smaller SRB, and we got the flea).

Will the boat tail actually reduce drag, or is it just cosmetic?

I've said almost exactly the same things, Espically about the 2.5m SRB, If there was a 2.5m SRB with about 2000-2500 thrust, 15,000 solid fuel, and gimbaling The space plane people could build much better shuttle replicas.


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Well, I'm not sure what to think... previously the 1.25m LFO engine family was a bit underpowered (excepting the Vector which doesn't really belong with the other 1.25m engines), while the 3.75m engine family was a bit OPd. Some of the balance changes brought later made the KR-2L rather well balanced I think.

Many of these stats seem rather weak, but the 1.25 stats in some cases seem strong (300kN for a LV-T30... W00t!), we also see some Isp nerfs even to 1.25m engines.

Nerfing rocket engines nearly across the board (except for the thrust of non-vector 1.25m engines) doesn't seem right... spaceplanes will be even more OP in comparison. Is this a response to SSTO rockets being too easy?

But... if they introduce part upgrades... then all this goes out the window, and they need to nerf them if they'll let us buff them with upgrades later.

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