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Renaming parts - Will it break my unlaunched ships and/or the ones already out?

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Yeah, basically at this point I have a lot of parts and mods installed and would like to rename some of the parts in order to put them in better order to keep things more organized and easier to find.

I\'m just wondering if this will break the craft I have built but not launched, and if it will also break the ones I have flying. Does the game call for the name of the part in its config when looking for it, or is it some other type of unlisted ID? I figure this is going to break stuff since I don\'t really see anything else in the part configs that the game would use as a reference except for their names.

If this is the case, is there any way to work around it?

Thanks in advance.

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Changing the folder names won\'t break your spacecraft

Changing the title = parameter in the part.cfg file won\'t break your spacecraft; it will just alter the title in the description in the VAB/SPH.

Changing the name = parameter in the part.cfg file will break existing and saved spacecraft.

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Yeah, I did some poking around in the craft files last night after making that post and found what they call for when figuring out which parts to use.

I guess my question now would be if they are organized by the part name (the one you would have to edit that would break them) or are they organized by the folder names?

If it\'s just the folder names then it\'s a pretty easy task of organizing, but if they\'re organized by part name then I\'m wondering if I can rename the part names in the craft files to match what I change them to to avoid breakage (this would be more tedious and require double/triple checking to ensure some of my more complex ships don\'t break). I do realize that each part also lists the parts it\'s connected to, so I would be responsible for changing more than just a few instances of the part name on each craft.

For now, I suppose I could just do with renaming the part descriptions, as it\'s mostly some adapters and parts that don\'t exactly spell out their size in their name/description. But yeah, I need to find out if its the folder order or the part name which decides their listing in the parts list.

And thanks for your help here and in my Mun base thread. I\'m going to be fiddling with that today and try to stabilize my Munar base. Most of this is probably thinking outloud, as I could just really test it with some parts I\'ve never used and see what happens. I\'ll probably have my own answer before you respond, but any additional knowledge is always appreciated.

Thanks again :)

Edit: Seems I answered my own question with a bit of fiddling. It looks like renaming the folders will change their positions in the parts lists, so that pretty much nullifies all the questions I asked above. Now, I just have to take on the task of organizing a good 400 parts with new folder names while making sure I know which packs they\'re from and keeping them grouped - shouldn\'t be -too- hard.

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