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Is Spaceflight Inherently Aggressive?


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These are all good answers that came up while I was working!  I always imagine their curiosity rooted in a vague expensionist ideology.  Kerbal ideology, I imagine, exists with basically two commandments.

Kerbal Kommandment One: 

Go forth!  Science!  Repeat!


Kerbal Kommandment Two:

Kommandment One shall be achieved at all costs and as quickly as possible.


Kerbal Kommandment Three:

Struts and external fuel ducts are a blessing!




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Wumpus' point regarding aggression and mountain climbing is an interesting one.  I tend to think exploration is, at some level, an aggressive act, but not necessarily a malevolent one.  I tend to gravitate toward aggression in Kerbals, so let's look at other ideas to offset my own bias.


Bored Kerbal Theory:

As for Kerbin simply being boring, there's an interesting idea in that too.  The lack of cities in stock KSP makes one think that the Kerbals have risen from an agrarian society.  This also means that vast technological and social upheavals are currently occurring on Kerbin.  It is entirely possible that the brilliant youth of Kerbin are simply tired of hauling in the harvest from the grasslands of Kerbin.  

These vast crops and the green color of Kerbals indicate a diet without much variety which also lends credibility to the bored Kerbal theory.  Also, as soon as Kerbals land on Minmus, they are thinking about tasty deserts.  Maybe the whole move or become a spacefaring race is built around a lack of confections on Kerbin?


Kerbals in Space due to Impact History and Risk:

For those who cite the impact evidence on Kerbin, it's conceivable that the Kerbals have risen during the heavy bombardment period of Kerbin's development. This would prevent the development of large cities or organized agriculture, for that matter, and provide ample reason Kerbals to find a way to engage in asteroid redirect missions and build colonies off Kerbin.  Perhaps the geology of Kerbin itself drives the Kerbals to space?  Somehow, the Kerbals have jumped from cave-dwelling, meteorite-fearing nomads to spacefaring creatures interested in knowledge to further their own defense and survival.  Spaceflight could be fundamentally defensive for them.

Edited by Jonfliesgoats
General editing of ideas and presentation
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