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Mods and Missions


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I\'m not 100% sure if this is the right place for this thread; it concerns ideas for addons but it\'s not really a request - more a gauging of opinion. I\'m considering making this mod myself, but first I thought I\'d gather some ideas (and buy some time to learn more about modding KSP).

So, there\'s not a huge amount of storyline in KSP. This isn\'t the dev team\'s fault; the game is still in the very early stages and there is much to do in terms of the engine before the actual plot needs to be added. However, I was thinking that in the meantime it might be cool to mod in some simple missions. These missions aren\'t meant to provide a full 'campaign mode' for KSP, or to have any relation or effect on whatever the devs end up adding in terms of progression and plot - it\'s mostly a set of challenges and fun things to do between now and whenever all that stuff gets added officially.

The idea is to add a few scientific instrument parts to the game - the list I have so far is an atmospheric sampler, a surface sampler, a radiation detector, and an object recorder. With these, you could fly some basic science missions. In theory, it should then be possible to have the various instruments record their progress in a file which the plugin could check, and use to modify the behaviour of parts.

The atmospheric sampler would gather samples of the different gases it passed through - Kerbin\'s atmosphere being the only real one at present, although I\'m guessing other planets will be added in due course. For now, I\'d have it take samples at three or four altitudes, and then also sample the corona of Kerbin\'s star if a ship passed close enough. It might also be possible to have an impactor part, which would throw off a plume of gas on impact so that you could sample the moons. Atmospheric data would improve the effectiveness of aerodynamic control surfaces, and reduce drag slightly.

The surface sampler would sample soil and rock from bodies on which it came to rest - possibly different ones from different areas, if it\'s possible to tell what the vessel is sitting on. At the very least, that\'s three samples you could take; one from each of the bodies currently in the game. Surface samples would improve the speed and traction of rovers, and the strength of landing gear.

The radiation detector could be placed into space and would record information about the conditions there. The type of information recorded would differ based on the body that the detector was orbiting at the time. The data would improve the effectiveness of solar panels, ion engines, or communications, depending on where the detector was.

The object recorder would record information about objects and artefacts found on missions (such as the monoliths), and mark their positions. The effect of this data would depend on the object (assuming there\'s a way of telling what the object is from code), and might possibly include achievements and/or easter eggs. If possible, the discovery of various objects may also unlock parts such as more efficient engines, more effective SAS modules, or better communications systems.

There would also be a communications device or two, similar to this great mod, for relaying scientific data and for controlling the spacecraft. Craft without a communications system capable of reaching the KSC would have to return to within range for their data to count as 'collected'. Craft with no antenna would have to get within a certain distance of the KSC. Craft that have collected samples would get a small score for transmitting data back, a larger score for returning to Kerbin with the samples, and the best score for getting those samples to within a certain distance of KSC.

So, what do people think? Would anyone enjoy a mod like this? Any further suggestions?

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you dont need mods for a mission now that 0.16 is out

simply send a rocket up without a parachute with a doomed kerbal and attempt to transport him to a safe rocket

im having fun trying to save a stranded kerbal (the famed jeb) on the mun

who i may add jump out of his rocket while it was falling to the ground and i saved him from going squish XD

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