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Lateral Lander Cans - Can it be done?

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I Googled this, but found nothing. 

Am building a Minmus mission. I want to place three (maybe four) Lander cans together laterally to form a new base there. Once it lands, it isn't going anywhere. 

I can stack lander cans no problem. However, I cannot place them side my side. I tried attaching girders and docking ports to the lander can sides, but the snap to refuses to turn green when I position them. Do I have to launch four small rockets and dock them in orbit instead of one large one going direct to Minmus? 


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It actually can be done, yes, but you'll have to "MacGyver" it a little. You'll need a central "root" part which doesn't necessarily need to be a command module. Then, you can use the modular girder segment part and attach those so that they are coming out of the root part horizontally. Next, use the radial attachment point part  and place those facing down toward the ends of those modular girder segments. This will allow you to place a part radially that is not designed to be placed that way. I wish I had time to post a picture as it would be much more easily understood but unfortunately work beckons me. I hope what I've written helps, and hopefully someone else will be able to respond with a picture for clarification!

Edited by Justicier
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As @Justicier says, you need to build out somehow since the lander cans cannot connect radially. So you need to build out radially then create something that can node-attach vertically to that. The two "cubic" struts are very useful for this sort of thing too - they're very light.

The other option is to use the smallest 1.25m fuel tanks, surface-attach them and then stick lander cans on top or underneath them. Since you're bound to need at least some fuel to get down to the surface, this option might end up being the simplest and cheapest overall.

And finally, you can use the rotate and offset tools - attach a cubic strut radially to the core, attach lander cans to the node on that (you'll need to rotate the part before placing it so that it's facing out). Then rotate them and offset them so that they're in the right place.

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