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Placement of Vernor engines

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I have a simple design to deliver a large part of a Mun station, It has the CM, crew cabin, science lab, and a fuel tank (that I hope will have a bit of fuel left for a fuel cell). The idea is to land the station upright and use Vernor engines to tilt it over and slowly lower it to horizontal position. It actually worked on the launch pad, but not exactly how I had hoped. The Vernor engines were fighting each other and I ended up more on my side. I had to use the reaction wheel to roll into the right position. That worked on the launch pad, but I am not sure it will work on the more uneven Mun surface.

I think part of my problem was that I used the symmetry tool to place couplets of engines. What I think I want is 2 Vernors point down to tilt it over, and 4 pointing up to slow my controlled fall. So I guess the question is, how do you place the Vernor engines so that I can place the station bottom down?

The other problem I am facing is the photovoltaic panels. I have it figured out if I am on a North/South axis, but landing it is going to be hard enough without worrying about the axis. I am think of just putting the OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels on top and hope it is good enough.


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10 minutes ago, Foxster said:

Can you post a picture?

I now this is ugly, but I am playing in sandbox mode. It has been my experience that I could put the Statue of Liberty in orbit with a big enough engine. (Crap! Now I want to put the Statue of Liberty in orbit.). The other side is a mirror image with the Vernors pointing the opposite direction. With SAS enabled, it actually tries to auto correct and lays the ship down smoothly with little help from me. If I knew the reaction wheel would work, I am tempted to leave it as it is. 


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OK. It did not turn out exactly as I hope, I am on a slope and have to enter and exit through the science lab. But I made it! How I will ever attach anything to the docking port on the front is a mystery. But, it is my first attempt at a Mun station - and Jebediah survived to plant a flag.I'll take it...


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