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Suggestion regarding pinned part action menus

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I tried to perform a mission where I kept all the science part action menus displayed on screen to easily access them when I needed to perform experiments and ran into the following problems :

- The Mystery Goo containment unit automatically unpins itself when you switch to orbital view

- The Mystery Goo containment unit automatically unpins itself when you click the "observe mystery goo" button

- All action menus (I've tested it with the capsule, thermometer, barometer, science jr and mystery goo) unpin themselves when you eva and go too far away from the vessel


The mystero goo unpinning seems like a bug since it doesn't behave like the other parts, but I would like to gather opinions about the third point :

Do any of you keep some action menus pinned while you are in a mission ? Are you satisfied with how it works currently ?

The action menus seem attached to the camera : they remain displayed even in EVA as long as you stay close to the parts, but disappear when you are too far away (until you right click / pin them again). I personally would prefer if the action menus where bound to their vessel : If you go into EVA or switch vessels you don't see the action menus anymore, but when you switch back to your vessel, you would still find your action menus where you pinned them. What do you think about it ?

Maybe that's not the easiest thing to explain by text, please tell me if that's not clear enough.




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