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Trying to remember the name of a game!(Found: Alien Legacy!)


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I'm trying to remember the name of a game I used to play.


It was a DOS/windows3.1 game(Not sure if 3.5 floppy or early CD.).

It was a space game.

You were a colony ship, or something, and entering a new area of space. Another colony ship was supposed to have arrived before you but was met with problems. You get to find this ship and find out what happened to it at some point.

The game uses multiple perspectives. 

You would establish bases and do pretty much whatever you wanted. There was no hand holding but there was a clock running in the background for events to happen. I know I spent a lot of time flying around planets that all had grids and you would scan and look for stuff.

It was kind of like an old version in that sense of no mans sky but there was a lot more too the game.

You would build up industry and resources and all the details of colonies and whatnot and have to get the means to explore where your ship landed. Every game was unique I think...

It was not 3d. It was 8 or 16 bit. and it was  a late 80's to mid 90's game.

It was not master of orion or any economy game. You were stranded in a new area of space. Any sightings of living aliens was a major thing in the game. Although I think you could find artifacts...

You could go to solar systems or something as you wished and explore a large are of space. there were lots of planets to visit. You could literally go down onto the planets surface and start colonies or explore it and look for things. The palnets were in grids. And you could also leave them at will. Each unique. In fact you had to leave during exploration a lot for various reasons. Especially at first as you tech was lower.

Your colonize you could build up manually or automate as it became more advanced.


Obviously this describes a lot of games but.. Ringing a bell for anyone?

Edited by Arugela
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Found the game!!

Alien Legacy!



It's amazing these games all have voice overs but modern games can't afford to get it. It seems they can only get voice overs if they spend more than 10 million per actor.... 8/ the modern gaming industry is a pathetic, greedy, putrid place.

Maybe they need to all get off their overripe butts and start doing the voice acting themselves and put themselves to work and learn to be useful... Speaking of which why not drag back Felipe and force him to do voice work for Jebediah for the sheer fun of it!! ><


Then make everyone else at the office to the voices for everything else! 8d


Then either wing it or get some crappy page on how to do voice acting with basic tips and have everyone go at it for fun!! ><


And for gods sake! The script in this game is like reading war and peace compared to most games. Everyone should be ashamed of themselves!!! Just look at what a little work will get you in a game!!


I mean, holy crap, you literally have to shut up the voice acting in this game because there is so much of it!!


Another really expansive game was Albion!


Edited by Arugela
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