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Light/medium bomber/heavy fighter challenge. WWII No FAR

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Light/medium bomber/heavy fighter challenge. WWII No FAR

Please keep everything WWII like. 

Must have mods
BD Armory
Aviator Arsenal

Infernal Robotics

Stacking/cliping part not allowed. Parts can be moved to made plane more realistic(so well some cliping allowed). 

Example plane:

Plane requirements:

Generaly monoplane but uncoventional wing cofigurations allowed.

Max. weight with fuel end ammo(no bombs or rockets) 20t

Engine(s): J-33 Wheesley with thrust limiter on 30 max. 3 of them or J-20 Juno limiter 100 max. 6 of them.(no mod engines for more stability ect. unless somebody know some good propeler engines mod)

Min. 1 Kerbal(pilot)
Max. 6 Kerbals total.
No drones.

Some gun(s) facing forward, fixed(no 20x20mm or something keep it somewhat realistic)
Turrets if used. All that could be mounted on real plane. Nothing sci fi. Each one turrent must be "manned" by one kerbal. Pilot Kerbal can't "use" turret.
Bombs or rockets at least 1500 KG

Flight perfomace:
Possible to fly without SAS with eny amount of fuel, ammo or boms/rockets.
Agile enought to be used as heavy fighter.
Landing speed. max 50m/s with no bombs or rockets
Must be able to land end takeoff from island airfield.

Plane tests ect.

1 vs 1 test light fighter
1 vs 1
2 vs 2

Flying around KSC end bombing it. Manualy by me.

Points all in 10+ point scale

Full fuel is starting amount of fuel given by person who desing plane. Some fuel tanks can be empty(have eny amount of fuel) if somebody wish to.

If somebody have idea about other things for what I can give or take way points I would like to hear(read).

Turrets coverage drawing end test.
360 degree from each view 10/10

Landing(no bombs/rockets, full ammo, full fuel):
There is no requiment for whells, but plane must be able to somehow takeoff end land on land.
Flying boat +1(can use hydrofoils)
VTOL 10/10
20m/s 9/10
24m/s 8/10
28m/s 7/10
32m/s 6/10
36m/s 5/10
40m/s 4/10
44m/s 3/10
48m/s 2/10
50m/s 1/10
50m/s+ 0/10

Max. speed(no bombs/rockets, full ammo, full fuel):
100m/s 1/10
112m/s 2/10
124m/s 3/10
136m/s 4/10
148m/s 5/10
160m/s 6/10
172m/s 7/10
184m/s 8/10
196m/s 9/10
208m/s 9/10
220m/s 10/10

Overall flight perfomace
personal rating 0-10

Bomb/Rockets weight
1500kg 1/10
1700kg 2/10
1900kg 2/10
2100kg 3/10
2300kg 4/10
2500kg 5/10
2900kg 6/10
3100kg 7/10
3300kg 8/10
3500kg 9/10
3700kg+ 10/10

Base 10
Second pilot +1
Each additional Kerbal above 3 -1

One pilot = 10
Two pilots =10+1
Two pilots+gunner = 10+1
One pillot+5gunners = 10-5

Price end relability 
base 10
each turret above 2 -1point
J 33 Wheesley = 2* J 20 Juno
2* J 33   -1 point
3* J 33   -2 points
I might add point if plane is armored well or take point away if plane is easy to destroy in flight, fight, while takeoff end landing(if something cosmetic would be destroyed i don't care end would not take away point).

Plane as heavy fighter
base 0
13mm-30mm guns(at least 2) fixed      +1 point for being well equiped heavy fighter
30mm+ guns(at least 1) fixed               +1 point for being ground attack plane
Abble to use rockets                             +1 point for being ground atacker/bomber hunter   
Schräge Musik(at least 2*20mm)         +1 point for being bomber hunter

Plane as bomber
base 0
dedicated observer/bomb aimer +1
(enclosed)bomb bay                   +1

Edited by tomtom100
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Let me get this straight:

I need a bomber/heavy fighter that has enough guns to cover the entire area around it, enough bombs to bomb out much of KSC, and needs the maneuverability of a fighter, as well as being able to defend itself from a fast-flying fighter, and i need to comply with the requirements in the OP in order to gain points?

Seems like a pretty nasty challenge, but I'm somewhat up for it. I'm a bit worried about the tight requirements though.

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Well it need at least one gun fixed facing forward(one 7mm is enought but if somebody want plane can have fixed 105mm end 5x 20mm Just keep number of guns somewhat realistic). Can have turret's don't have to. but without turrets it would gain no points in "Turrets coverage drawing end test." but without turrets probably would be much lighter so better as heavy fighter  Bombs are mensured in Kg the don't need to destroy enything per se,.I must be able to bomb KSP so plane can't be supermanuverable(generaly hard to control). Must be comply with requiment so it would be classified to test end then it would get points. 

I will add more things for what plane can get or lose points.

Edited by tomtom100
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  • 4 weeks later...

To be fair I don't even know if mods are updated for KSP 1,2. I'm quite sick right now so I don't rly feel to update them.
Ore tanks as payload don't violates weaponised rule, lack of eny gun does. But as I said mods don't rly work right now in KSP 1.2 so... can be just cosmetic.. weight of IRL aicraft gun is ussualy below 150kg(can be as low as 5kg).

Also WWII Canberra? Canberra that I know fly for first time in 1951.

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