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First 0.16 stock Lunar Rover...?


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So, I decided to send a three man rover to the mun. It worked, surprisingly. Even the sketchy deploy mechanism (the rover just falls off the lander, and I hope it doesn\'t break).




I crashed it shortly after... Protip: Don\'t rely on wheel-brakes in a low gravity environment. your rover will flip, and you will lose ASAS, and engines.


looks like another rescue mission is called for...

Please post your own rovers, I\'d love to see them!

EDIT: Good news and bad news, after allowing my GF to EVA one of the kerbals from the stranded rover, I only have to rescue two kerbals now, since one of them is now dead. Moral: Don\'t let other people mess with KSP.

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my rover worked well got to about 40 m/s before crashing. did 20 km worth of travel with it to visit another crash landing site



it wanted to sink in to the ground oddly enough :/

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