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Boosters in close formation

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I am having real trouble with radial decouplers.  No matter how careful I am, they just won't pop the boosters off the ship.  Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong? <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fskip.huffman.14%2Fvideos%2F1412492675433398%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>


Facebook link terrible.  Trying twitter: 


Edited by GalbinusCaeli
Facebook sucks.
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That's odd.   Not sure if this is causing this particular issue, but you can only use one set of decouplers at a time to attach a particular part (this is a result of the logic KSP uses to connect part to part).  So your dual decouplers are at best doing no good, and at worst could be playing a role in this problem.  Generally you want to put the decouplers a little over halfway up the booster (this helps get a clean separation as the decoupler pushes the booster away).  Your upper decoupler location is pretty good.  If you want more rigidity in your connection, use struts for additional connection points.  They are far smarter than decouplers and will disengage automatically when you drop the boosters.  One strut per booster, mounted near the bottom, will likely to the trick.

Also, maybe your boosters have attached to the core rocket, rather than the decouplers?  Sometimes it take a little work to ensure that they're on right.  This is one of several things I like better about the next-level decoupler, that provides a little space between parts.

To address both these issues, I'd start with a clean rocket core, then attach one set of decouplers, then attach the boosters (making sure they attach right on the decouplers), then strut as necessary.

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Boosters are attached to the core rather than the decouplers in the linked video.

Attach them by placing your cursor directly on the decoupler with the booster selected, anywhere else and it will not attach to it. After that you can offset the boosters to whatever desired position you'd like.

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Thanks for the answers. I didn't know the trick about moving the cursor over the exact part to be connected to.  When I have the part selected, I just move it around until it snaps onto the core rocket in an orientation that seems right.  Then try to rotate and offset after the fact.  (Well I try to avoid rotate since the slightest touch to the shoulder buttons seems to cause at least a 200 degree rotation.)


Thanks I will try adjusting later today.

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