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hi,  while I have the downloaded ckan in compressed zip folder within the ksp folder, I decided to delete recent Ksp and start a new one with a lot less units in order to make room for other downloads like sxt, etc..., now I have trouble installing ckan and the shortcut. is the compressed file no good at all?

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hey, it is very simple.

You have winrar or another program to extract things? In the compessed file is an .exe file. Copy that file to you main folder of KSP. And thats it. :) If you start the .exe, it will install everything by itself.

It's wise to make it start as administrator by default. (can be done in the proporties menu). Making a shortcut can be done on the .exe file, I assume you know the drill :) 

Hope this helped!


edit; for steam users, normally the main folders is here: \Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Kerbal Space Program

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what is WinRAR ? I could not find it anywhere. I think its best I start all over new so where do I find ckan download?

it is true that ksp cannot have too many downloads or it will crash the game? I noticed on youtube someone has so many mods in assembly building and wondered how his manage it without crashing his game?

I'm a fan of more habitate mods with iva and am trying to find it but there isn't.

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WinRar is a program where you can extract compressed files. 


It is true that a lot of mods can break you KSP, but with the right settings, everything will be fine. As an Real Solar System and Realism overhaul player myself I have around 80 mods installed, everything runs just fine.

You can download the latest release of CKAN here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases/tag/v1.20.1

Ckan always keeps himself up to date, unless you say something else in the install.


Just place the ckan.exe file in you KSP folder as stated above.

Run ckan.exe (as admin), and the rest is simple.

For better performance force your KSP to start in Dx11. That can be done if you do the following: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/95837-forcing-directx11-40-memory-reduction/

This will reduce your memory use. Also know that many mods arren't compatible if there is a new release, I always a month before updating the ksp. And in case with the new upcoming 1.2 update, I will do a clean reinstall of all my mods, to prevent crashes. 

Also, know what you are installing, installing and uninstalling mods in a single savegame can easily break your save...






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its really weird here or its just me, I did downloaded ckan and works and download other mods one by one and checked the game, but as I went further to get mark one laboratory extension its fails with pop up notice saying " github.com/angel 125/ mole realease download v 0.5.0 zip " and some blue tools notices. this never happened before and this new downloads has becoming more sensitive to fail. help!

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So make an account on imgur, http://imgur.com/, from there on your can drop you images on the internet, since the forum needs an image from a URL. To drop an image on imgur, just click on new post (next to the logo on the top left and you need to be logged in).

So thats how to drop an image on the internet, click on you account in imgur -> images -> then select the desired image you want to share with me (one at a time), when you click on that, imgur opens your image and on the right there will be some links, copy the Direct Link. This will be something like 'http://i.imgur.com/OVG0XXB.jpg' this.

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