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Stock 0.16 G9 Eclipse

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So with the new update, I find all my standard spacehips behave like they are made out of jelly, so I instead decided to make a plane in the meanwhile.

This one is inspired by the G9 Eclipse as seen in Just Cause 2



In hangar




Wildrin Kerman ready for take off!


Sucsessfull take off


Wildrin showing off his piloting skills


Coming in for the landing


Oh dear, not a completly straight apporach...


Successful landing(1st time I landed on that tiny runway too, its harder than you think!)


Wildrin likes his plane and thus checks for any signs of damage himself



After dropping off the plane, wildrin realizes that there is a design flaw.


He cant get back in!


This flaw has been fixed in the download version via the mobility enchancers.

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Absolutely beautiful. How does she handle?

I\'d take her for a spin myself, but that many parts would reduce my framerate to a crawl!

just flew her. in air she is nice, turns amazingly, flys smooth as you could want.

my conmplaint? landing. oh my god does this thing land terribly. since its made out of wings its got the whole will fly infinitly without engines on thing going on, i try to kill my engines on final approach, but i just glide and i cant nose down without the engines back on, this makes it very hard to land where i want.

other then that, i love it.

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Omg I love Just Cause 2 :D What I do wonder is how does it compare handling-wise to the JC couterpart. Other than that, go hit that Mile High Club 1nsane, you deserve a reward :)

(Mile High Club referring to the place in-game, not the other thing you\'re all probably thinking)

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How...This thing is amazing. No idea how you did it either. It flies nicely, in fact, you could hang out on the ladder while the damn thing is flying itself.

...A couple glitches can happen...I think I found the infamous glitch where ragdolls are stretched out. A lot. Just one EVA though.

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my conmplaint? landing. oh my god does this thing land terribly. since its made out of wings its got the whole will fly infinitly without engines on thing going on, i try to kill my engines on final approach, but i just glide and i cant nose down without the engines back on, this makes it very hard to land where i want.

other then that, i love it.

Yeah, that was alittle thing I really couldnt do anything about. Its weird having to push the nose down so much while landing.

Omg I love Just Cause 2 :D What I do wonder is how does it compare handling-wise to the JC couterpart.

In comparsion, this is plently more agile. Its the best handling one I have thus far made, but not the fastest tough. It only went about 250m/s where as my fastest 'plane'(wings with rockets on them) did over 800m/s.

Only thing missing on this is the miniguns and rockets.

Other than that, go hit that Mile High Club 1nsane, you deserve a reward :)

I belive I shall hit it... Really hard!

Good to see another JC2 player :D Maybe we can crash in the multiplayer beta whenever they have servers up?

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