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[1.2-pre] Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) - v1.1.1 PRE-RELEASE


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Main thread for EVS is located here.

This is a pre-release of EVS for KSP 1.2. Main purpose of it is to find bugs at the earlier stage. Once KSP 1.2 is officially released the compatible EVS version will be released as well.

How to install:

  • Delete old EVS files. Don't rename them, move or delete them physically. A lot of hard to track problems happen when people think they did everything right to isolate the old version while in fact they didn't :)
  • Download and extract this archive from GitHub. It's a normal EVS v1.0.1 installation except it has pre-release version of binaries.

If you found a bug (or you think you did), please, always add a full `KSP.log` file. This file is located in the root of your game folder. Please, don't confuse it with `output_log.txt` file, this one is useless.

Known issues:

  • #4: Vessel resources are not shown in hover menu. Will not fix.
Edited by IgorZ
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