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How to conceal and prevent parachute from ripping off

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With the older and smaller parts (ASAS, SAS, RCS tanks, ect.) we all have figured out that they don\'t fit well with the new command pod. So to combat this we just stack the RCS and SAS modules on top of the pod and put the parachute on top like a cherry on a cake. however, whenever I re-enter Kerbin and deploy my parachute it usually will just rip the RCS and SAS right off of the command pod and leave my poor kerbals falling to their doom. So to share with you all I just recently discovered how to conceal my parachute and prevent it from ripping off, and it just plain looks cool :D.

first we take our parachute and ASAS attached to an upside down decoupler (so the decoupler leaves the pod with the ASAS)


now we attach the parachute on top of the pod. note: don\'t let the parachute snap into position, place the parachute the best you can in the middle without letting it snap.


and now the SAS fits snugly over the top


and as you can see, as you re-enter your concealed parachute is ready to deploy


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Also, it is possible to add parachutes to the side of the command pod. Might take some fiddling though, seeing how the parachutes can only be placed in certain places, but the top ring of the command pod (just below the flat top) works great. Use symmetry to create a cool (and incidently, more reliable) parachute system.

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Is there less chance of the chute ripping off if you open at a lower altitude, like 1000 meters? The chute doesn\'t open till about 400m. So whilst opening at 20km does slow the craft as the chute offers drag, in my mind, that is the most riskiest way to use the chute as that is when you are travelling fastest.

Happy to be corrected on this.

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  togfox said:

Is there less chance of the chute ripping off if you open at a lower altitude, like 1000 meters? The chute doesn\'t open till about 400m. So whilst opening at 20km does slow the craft as the chute offers drag, in my mind, that is the most riskiest way to use the chute as that is when you are travelling fastest.

Happy to be corrected on this.

More chance that way. Chute tends to rip off more when it fully deploys at 500m, in its partially deployed state it creates more drag than not deployed at all, so opening it earlier gives the craft a bit more time to slow down in advance of the 500m mark. I tend to open it around 15,000-20,000m where the air is still pretty thin.

When re-entry heat gets put in... all bets are off. 8)

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  togfox said:

Is there less chance of the chute ripping off if you open at a lower altitude, like 1000 meters? The chute doesn\'t open till about 400m. So whilst opening at 20km does slow the craft as the chute offers drag, in my mind, that is the most riskiest way to use the chute as that is when you are travelling fastest.

Happy to be corrected on this.

I deploy my chute as soon as I\'m set to land and I\'ve ejected my capsule. It only gets torn off at the 500 meter mark, when it opens fully.

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Parachutes right on the capsule sides work best for me. Be warned though, adding extra parachutes can make the descent really slow. A capsule with 2 parachutes drops to about 5m/s at 1000m. Slow and safe.

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  Potatum said:

first we take our parachute and ASAS attached to an upside down decoupler (so the decoupler leaves the pod with the ASAS)

The decoupler isn\'t upside down. A better way to explain it is to put a decoupler on top of the command module, put an ASAS on top of the decoupler, take the decoupler off and then add the parachute to the command module and put the decoupler/ASAS back on.

Anyway, nice job! I had no idea the parachute would even sit slightly off center but still work, or be hidden by a decoupler. Awesome!


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  Ziff said:

The decoupler isn\'t upside down. A better way to explain it is to put a decoupler on top of the command module, put an ASAS on top of the decoupler, take the decoupler off and then add the parachute to the command module and put the decoupler/ASAS back on.

Anyway, nice job! I had no idea the parachute would even sit slightly off center but still work, or be hidden by a decoupler. Awesome!


It *is* in fact upside down. Use the W/S keys to rotate parts vertically. The reason it is done this way is so that when it decouples, the decoupler is not left on the pod, obstructing the parachute. Decouplers always remain attached to the part they decoupled (they only detach from the 'top' node with their explosion). That\'s why its placed upside down. :)
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  vexx32 said:

It *is* in fact upside down. Use the W/S keys to rotate parts vertically. The reason it is done this way is so that when it decouples, the decoupler is not left on the pod, obstructing the parachute. Decouplers always remain attached to the part they decoupled (they only detach from the 'top' node with their explosion). That\'s why its placed upside down. :)

It most certainly is NOT, according to the photo. The yellow/black stripe on the ASAS is normally on the bottom, as it also is on the small decoupler. The red triangle on a small decoupler normally points down, which is also true in the photo. The red triangle on large decouplers normally point upwards. If the small decoupler was upside down then both of the yellow/black stripes of the decoupler and ASAS would be side by side. Go look for yourself.

Also, it doesn\'t matter which way the decoupler is placed. Currently it detaches from the command pod, whether upside down or not, even when on top of the command pod. I just tried it.


[Edit: Spelling, More testing.]

I think this might be a bug now. For the small decoupler, it doesn\'t matter if it is placed upside down or not, it detaches with the part when placed above the command pod. The large stack decoupler functions correctly, rightside up and it stays attached to the command pod. Upside down and it detaches with the part.

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