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Visuals for a computer with bad performance


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Im playing KSP with my MacBook air i also use for school. It can easy run it on the lowest settings, and im fine with that, but i would really like to have some mods that improve my visuals. So are there any mods that dont take much RAM and that i can run on low settings?

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There are fewer visual mods than you think there are. All the legwork is done by a small handful of baseline mods. Many visual mods are actually just config files and custom assets for the baseline mods.

That doesn't lessen the effort that goes into making a good custom content/config pack. But it does mean that your selection is limited as far as actual functionality providers are concerned. For example, if you want clouds, you must install Environmental Visual Enhancements. This is literally the only mod that offers this capability; every other mod you see that adds clouds does so by shipping a custom config file and custom cloud graphics to be used by EVE. I mean, you can use Kopernicus' internal tools to produce something that looks somewhat similar from far away, but there's no real replacement for EVE.

See also my post in this thread.

For starters I'd try EVE, and perhaps some of the minor mods I listed in that other thread. If that's too much for your system, then you'll probably have to run without visual mods.

Edited by Streetwind
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