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Vessel Loading Error, Missing Parts

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Everything was working fine until I went to load my world yesterday and was informed in a popup that there was a

"Vessel Loading Error" and that "Space Station MK2 was not loaded because it had the following parts missing:

strutConnectorHeavy" I get a similar popup for many of the flights I have around the system, and the game has gleefully made them all vanish. (I have a quicksave, so if there is a way to fix the issue, I can get them back)

I am also not able to open any of my builds in the VAB because they contain a "locked of invalid" part.

I have tried verifying the local content through steam. I have tried replacing the specific listed part in the KW Rocketry parts directory. I am at a bit of a loss.

I am running KSP in 64 bit, and apart from a couple of parts packs and mechjeb, I have no other mods.


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3 hours ago, Stonedog said:

Everything was working fine until I went to load my world yesterday and was informed in a popup that there was a

"Vessel Loading Error" and that "Space Station MK2 was not loaded because it had the following parts missing:

strutConnectorHeavy" I get a similar popup for many of the flights I have around the system, and the game has gleefully made them all vanish. (I have a quicksave, so if there is a way to fix the issue, I can get them back)

I am also not able to open any of my builds in the VAB because they contain a "locked of invalid" part.

I have tried verifying the local content through steam. I have tried replacing the specific listed part in the KW Rocketry parts directory. I am at a bit of a loss.

I am running KSP in 64 bit, and apart from a couple of parts packs and mechjeb, I have no other mods.


the strutconnector is added by a parts-pack.


u might want to check for a compatibility update for it for release 1.2

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