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Kerbal Imaging Tech

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Kerbnet is a great step toward improving the reconnaissance aspect of game play (from what I have seen.  1.2 is not out for Xbox)  That said, we find ourselves landing with very limited resources at night save for some lights.  The cockpit does have a radalt, but that is only visible IVA.  

Kerbal RADAR or LIDAR Imaging, thermal imaging, low light cameras, etc would be great to facilitate night landings, night rover operations (no plodding along until an obstacle or hazard is close enough to be illuminated by lights.).  I'd imagine this data displaying not in Kerbnet, but either as an overlay of the planet or with a separate instrument that is viewable through the part specific UI.

Radars could be anything from a boresight radar with an oscilloscope all the way to near real time IR or EO imaging.  The instruments in the UI should be subject so some limitations that make them more realistic like slow update rates, poor resolution, etc. until improved sensors are added.

This would take a lot of work on the part of Devs, I know.  Still sensors and reconnaissance are an emerging part of KSP and, I   hope reconnaissance becomes a part of our contracting system as well.  Adding more of this experience could be very rewarding to players.


Edited by Jonfliesgoats
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On 10/13/2016 at 9:16 PM, Jonfliesgoats said:

Kerbnet is a great step toward improving the reconnaissance aspect of game play (from what I have seen.  1.2 is not out for Xbox)  That said, we find ourselves landing with very limited resources at night save for some lights.  The cockpit does have a radalt, but that is only visible IVA.  

Kerbal RADAR or LIDAR Imaging, thermal imaging, low light cameras, etc would be great to facilitate night landings, night rover operations (no plodding along until an obstacle or hazard is close enough to be illuminated by lights.).  I'd imagine this data displaying not in Kerbnet, but either as an overlay of the planet or with a separate instrument that is viewable through the part specific UI.

Radars could be anything from a boresight radar with an oscilloscope all the way to near real time IR or EO imaging.  The instruments in the UI should be subject so some limitations that make them more realistic like slow update rates, poor resolution, etc. until improved sensors are added.

This would take a lot of work on the part of Devs, I know.  Still sensors and reconnaissance are an emerging part of KSP and, I   hope reconnaissance becomes a part of our contracting system as well.  Adding more of this experience could be very rewarding to players.



I totally agree this needs to happen!!!

I sometimes install BD Armoury just to use the Flir Ball in night vision mode!!!

Edited by BT Industries
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