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Scientist boost science recovery?

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They stopped doing that several versions ago. There's still a config entry for it, but the game doesn't use it for anything. This is just my hypothesis, but I believe that the commnet transmission boost has supplanted this feature.

Edited by Streetwind
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8 hours ago, CMH said:

Ok thanks. Was hoping to boost some sci recovery.

Note that even back when it was introduced, they never boosted recovery. They boosted transmission. In other words, if your experiment transmitted for 50%, and your scientist gave you a 25% bonus for being level 5, it would instead have transmitted at 50 x 1.25 = 62.5%. Recovery would still be 100% in all cases. You cannot go beyond 100%.

(I believe this was introduced around the same time when the Mobile Lab was changed away from being a transmission booster, towards the thing we have today.)

And if you now say "whoa, that is pretty underwhelming, when would anyone ever really make focused use of that"... then you may have found the reason why it was deprecated :wink:

Edited by Streetwind
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I've actually played from beta, but I stopped playing about 1.1 for a year or two, and just came back and totally forgot all the little details :D


I do remember the mobile lab being used primarily for resetting experiments (which was a pretty huge thing back then. For me at least). I remember the transmission boosting part, but I always bring my experiments back anyway, so wasn't a biggie.

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