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Toss-a-Kerbal Challenge - To less than infinity!

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How far can you toss a Kerbal?


The premise is simple: design a contraption to toss a Kerbal while in orbit!

  • Stock only - no hyperedit
  • ONLY Infinite propellant from the cheat menu is allowed for the purpose of getting your contraption into space - No other cheats allowed
    • You should park your contraption in a 100km x 100km orbit as closely as possible. There is no penalty for starting in an orbit below 100km, however scoring only counts how far ABOVE 100km your Kerbal ends up, not how far it actually went from your parking orbit. 
  • Your Kerbal may be launched alone, or in a command chair. No command pods or crew compartments of any kind. Decouplers attached to the chair are permitted.
  • Your Contraption must be mostly stationary and the launch mechanism must not be propulsive.
    • You may use propulsion to power the launch contraption, provided the actual launch mechanism is non-propulsive. A rocket-augmented catapult would be ok. A catapult tossing a rocket would not.
    • Wobbling and a reasonable amount of recoil are acceptable - it doesn't have to be anchored in space.



1 point per kilometer beyond 100km, rounded to the nearest whole kilometer

Must provide screenshots of of your parking orbit and final Kerbal apoapsis, or a video showing the same. Starting from above 100km disqualifies the entry.


1. Randazzo - 286,155km, 186 points






My entry - Final AP 286,155km


Edited by Randazzo
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24 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

This ...... Final AP: 656,316m - Score: 556


And then there is this (although not done in orbit but does require you to toss a Kerbal) ........


Hmmm... I don't think that meets:

  • Your Kerbal may be launched alone, or in a command chair. No command pods or crew compartments of any kind. Decouplers attached to the chair are permitted.

It's a bit like a catapult launching another catapult.

Although perhaps it doesn't matter, that Spin to Win! challenge looks like the same thing. The second one not so much, there have been a bunch of launch a kerbal on the runway things.



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