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Ships starts in an abnormal position after switch to/quickload

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after i switch to a before successfully landed ship i am able to see it standing upright for a second, then it's translated several meters above the ground in an unrecoverable attitude and falls to the ground.

New kraken species :-) ?

Edit: the translation seems to happen when physics start.





Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v1.0.0.0
ModuleManager.2.7.1 v2.7.1.0
InterstellarFuelSwitch v2.2.0.0 / v2.2.0
Scale_Redist v1.0.0.0
KAS v0.6.0.0 / v0.6.0-pre for KSP 1.2-pre
KIS v1.3.0.0 / v1.3.0-pre for KSP 1.2
KSPDev_Utils v0.14.0.0 / v0.14.0 for KSP v1.2
KRnD v0.0.0.0
KerbalEngineer.Unity v1.0.0.0
KerbalEngineer v1.1.2.0
PlanetShine v1.0.6121.34655
PreciseNode v1.0.0.0 / v1.2.3.0
SCANsat v1.6.0.9 / vv16.9
SmokeScreen v2.6.18.0
KerbalAlarmClock v3.8.0.0
TransferWindowPlanner v1.6.0.0
WaypointManager v1.0.0.0 / v2.6.0
MiniAVC v1.0.3.2
WildBlueTools v1.0.0.0
Buffalo v1.0.0.0
MiniAVC v1.0.3.2

(uups, i seemingly forgot to delete 2 miniavc dlls ...)

Edit: Mod list not showing part mods: KW Rocketry, Lithobrake Exploration, MRS.

Last log file lines from scebe change:


[WRN 15:53:44.984] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From TRACKSTATION to FLIGHT (Async) =====================
[LOG 15:53:44.984] 10/21/2016 3:53:44 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Scene Change from 'TRACKSTATION' to 'FLIGHT'
[LOG 15:53:44.984] 10/21/2016 3:53:44 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Active Vessel unreadable - resetting inqueue flag
[EXC 15:53:44.997] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KerbalAlarmClock.KerbalAlarmClock.UpdateDetails ()
    KerbalAlarmClock.KerbalAlarmClock.RepeatingWorker ()
    KSPPluginFramework.MonoBehaviourExtended.RepeatingWorkerWrapper ()
[LOG 15:53:45.004] 10/21/2016 3:53:45 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Removing DrawGUI from PostRender Queue
[LOG 15:53:45.129] 10/21/2016 3:53:45 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Destroying the KerbalAlarmClock-KACTrackingStation
[LOG 15:53:45.129] 10/21/2016 3:53:45 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API Cleaned up
[LOG 15:53:45.130] KbApp.OnDestroy Vessel Crew
[LOG 15:53:45.130] 10/21/2016 3:53:45 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Destroying the TransferWindowPlanner (TWP)
[LOG 15:53:45.130] KbApp.OnDestroy NullName
[LOG 15:53:45.130] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Resources
[LOG 15:53:45.130] [UIApp] OnDestroy: KSPedia
[LOG 15:53:45.130] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 1652
[LOG 15:53:45.131] KbApp.OnDestroy Unowned Info
[LOG 15:53:45.131] KbApp.OnDestroy Vessel Info
[LOG 15:53:45.131] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Parameters
[LOG 15:53:45.131] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ContractsApp
[LOG 15:53:45.131] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 1652
[LOG 15:53:45.132] KbApp.OnDestroy Planet Info
[LOG 15:53:45.150] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KIS_UISoundPlayer' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 15:53:45.150] Loading UI sounds for KIS...
[LOG 15:53:45.150] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/bipwrong
[LOG 15:53:45.151] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/click
[LOG 15:53:45.151] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/attachScrewdriver
[LOG 15:53:45.151] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 15:53:45.151] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 15:53:45.152] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WBISettingsMonitor' from assembly 'WildBlueTools'
[LOG 15:53:45.152] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 15:53:45.154] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 15:53:46.124] UICanvasPrefabSpawner FlightUI spawning Flight
[LOG 15:53:46.135] UICanvasPrefabSpawner FlightUI spawning VesselLabels
[WRN 15:53:46.135] [UiApp] Awake: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 15:53:46.139] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'AeroGUI' from assembly 'KSP'
[LOG 15:53:46.141] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KASAddonWinchGUI' from assembly 'KAS'
[LOG 15:53:46.141] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KASAddonDebugTools' from assembly 'KAS'
[LOG 15:53:46.142] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KASAddonControlKey' from assembly 'KAS'
[LOG 15:53:46.142] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KIS_UISoundPlayer' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 15:53:46.142] Loading UI sounds for KIS...
[LOG 15:53:46.142] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/bipwrong
[LOG 15:53:46.142] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/click
[LOG 15:53:46.143] Loading clip: KIS/Sounds/attachScrewdriver
[LOG 15:53:46.143] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 15:53:46.143] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickupInFlight' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 15:53:46.143] Loading persistent fields: type=KIS.KISAddonPickup, group=""
[LOG 15:53:46.143] Loading persistent fileds: db path=KIS/settings/KISConfig, group=""
[LOG 15:53:46.144] Loading 5 persistent fields: group="", node=KISConfig
[LOG 15:53:46.144] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPointer' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 15:53:46.145] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightAppLauncher' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 15:53:46.147] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'DisplayStack' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 15:53:46.160] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'FlightEngineerCore' from assembly 'KerbalEngineer'
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:ModuleManager.2.7.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:InterstellarFuelSwitch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:Scale_Redist, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:KAS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:KIS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:KSPDev_Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:KRnD, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.162] Assembly:KerbalEngineer.Unity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:KerbalEngineer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:PlanetShine, Version=1.0.6121.34655, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:PreciseNode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:SCANsat, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:SmokeScreen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:KerbalAlarmClock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:TransferWindowPlanner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:WaypointManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:MiniAVC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:WildBlueTools, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:Buffalo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] Assembly:MiniAVC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[LOG 15:53:46.163] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'ConfigManager' from assembly 'PlanetShine'
[LOG 15:53:46.165] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'GuiManager' from assembly 'PlanetShine'
[LOG 15:53:46.165] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PlanetShine' from assembly 'PlanetShine'
[LOG 15:53:46.165] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PreciseNode' from assembly 'PreciseNode'
[LOG 15:53:46.167] Loading PreciseNode settings.
[LOG 15:53:46.185] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'PersistentEmitterManager' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 15:53:46.185] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SmokeScreenConfig' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 15:53:46.186] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'SmokeScreenUI' from assembly 'SmokeScreen'
[LOG 15:53:46.188] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'KACFlight' from assembly 'KerbalAlarmClock'
[LOG 15:53:46.189] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Awakening the KerbalAlarmClock-KACFlight
[LOG 15:53:46.189] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Settings
[LOG 15:53:46.191] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Transfer Modelling Data
[LOG 15:53:46.227] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Transfer Modelling Data Load Complete
[LOG 15:53:46.227] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Sounds
[LOG 15:53:46.228] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,WarpRates:8
[LOG 15:53:46.228] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,API Ready
[LOG 15:53:46.228] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'TransferWindowPlannerFlight' from assembly 'TransferWindowPlanner'
[LOG 15:53:46.229] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Awakening the TransferWindowPlanner (TWP)
[LOG 15:53:46.229] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Loading Settings
[LOG 15:53:46.229] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Skipping version check
[LOG 15:53:46.230] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WBISettingsMonitor' from assembly 'WildBlueTools'
[LOG 15:53:46.230] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WBIVTOLManager' from assembly 'Buffalo'
[LOG 15:53:46.235] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'WBIDSEVGameSettings' from assembly 'Buffalo'
[LOG 15:53:46.235] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: Kerbin
[LOG 15:53:46.236] [UIMasterController]: HideUI
[LOG 15:53:46.329] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader: FLIGHT was loaded; instantiating addons...
[LOG 15:53:46.329] ImprovedAddonLoader: Creating addon 'SCANtoolbar'
[LOG 15:53:46.329] SCANsat.SCANsat.SCAN_Platform.CustomAddonLoader finished; created 1 addons
[LOG 15:53:46.360] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 15:53:46.505] Loading Depletion Nodes
[LOG 15:53:46.505] DepNodeCount:  0
[LOG 15:53:46.505] Loading Biome Nodes
[LOG 15:53:46.505] BiomeNodeCount:  0
[LOG 15:53:46.505] Loading Planet Nodes
[LOG 15:53:46.505] PlanetNodeCount:  3
[LOG 15:53:46.510] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 15:53:46.510] [ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 15:53:46.511] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading 3 known vessels
[LOG 15:53:46.511] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Kerbin
[LOG 15:53:46.513] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Mun
[LOG 15:53:46.515] [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading map for Minmus
[LOG 15:53:46.518] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,BaseLoadDone. Alarms Count (Should be 0):0
[LOG 15:53:46.518] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Found 0 Maneuver Nodes to deserialize
[LOG 15:53:46.518] 10/21/2016 3:53:46 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,ScenarioLoadDone. Alarms Count:1
[LOG 15:53:46.528] [KRnD] retrieved and applied 592 upgrades in 0.009s
[LOG 15:53:46.592] Target vessel index: 55  vessel count: 57
[LOG 15:53:46.593] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel ComplexLander-1 ----------------------
[LOG 15:53:46.594] setting new dominant body: the Mun
FlightGlobals.mainBody: the Mun
[LOG 15:53:46.595] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 15:53:46.658] InsterstellarFuelSwitch Verify Tank Tech Requirements
[LOG 15:53:46.671] InsterstellarFuelSwitch Verify Tank Tech Requirements
[ERR 15:53:46.692] Cannot find fx group of that name for decoupler

[LOG 15:53:46.701] WBIAnimation [FFF9CF02][57.0067]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:46.701] WBILight [FFF9CF00][57.0067]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:46.711] WBILight [FFF9CA30][57.0067]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:46.723] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][57.0067]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:46.723] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][57.0067]: Part is not inflatable.
[LOG 15:53:46.723] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][57.0067]: OnLoad: WBI.Chassis2u MODULE
    stagingEnabled = True
    isDeployed = False
    shortName = Battery Pack
    partMass = 0
    capacityFactor = 0.0399999991
    fillToMaxInEditor = True
    decalsVisible = False
    maxStorage = 200
    baseStorage = 0.00100000005
    currentVolume = 0
    isEnabled = True
    name = WBIConvertibleStorage
            actionGroup = None
        flowMode = Both
        isVisible = True
        hideFlow = False
        isTweakable = True
        flowState = True
        maxAmount = 0
        amount = 0
        name = ElectricCharge
 Scene: FLIGHT
[LOG 15:53:46.754] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][57.0067]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:46.754] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][57.0067]: Part is not inflatable.
[LOG 15:53:46.754] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][57.0067]: OnLoad: WBI.Chassis2u MODULE
    stagingEnabled = True
    isDeployed = False
    shortName = Battery Pack
    partMass = 0
    capacityFactor = 0.0399999991
    fillToMaxInEditor = True
    decalsVisible = False
    maxStorage = 200
    baseStorage = 0.00100000005
    currentVolume = 0
    isEnabled = True
    name = WBIConvertibleStorage
            actionGroup = None
        flowMode = Both
        isVisible = True
        hideFlow = False
        isTweakable = True
        flowState = True
        maxAmount = 0
        amount = 0
        name = ElectricCharge
 Scene: FLIGHT
[LOG 15:53:46.799] [ComplexLander-1]: landed - waiting for ground contact to resume physics...
[LOG 15:53:46.809] Camera Mode: AUTO
[LOG 15:53:46.843] [KRnD] updating vessel 'ComplexLander-1'
[LOG 15:53:48.993] all systems started
[LOG 15:53:49.026] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 1652
[LOG 15:53:49.036] SmokeScreenConfig loading config
[LOG 15:53:49.036] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Searching for RSS
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Searching for KER
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,Attempting to Grab KER Types...
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,KER Version:
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,Creating Wrapper Objects
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,p not NULL
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,BurnTimeProp Success: True
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,HalfBurnTimeProp Success: True
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,HasDeltaVProp Success: True
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-KERWrapper,UpdateMethod Success: True
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Successfully Hooked KER
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Searching for VOID
[LOG 15:53:49.038] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock-VOIDWrapper,Attempting to Grab VOID Types...
[LOG 15:53:49.039] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Searching for RSS
[LOG 15:53:49.040] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Attempting to Grab KAC Types...
[LOG 15:53:49.041] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,KAC Version:
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Got Assembly Types, grabbing Instance
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Got Instance, Creating Wrapper Objects
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Getting APIReady Object
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Success: True
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Getting Alarms Object
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Success: True
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Getting Alarm State Change Event
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Getting Create Method
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Getting Delete Method
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner-KACWrapper,Getting DrawAlarmAction
[LOG 15:53:49.042] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Successfully Hooked the KAC
[LOG 15:53:49.046] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Initializing Phase Angle Render
[LOG 15:53:49.069] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Initializing EjectAngle Render
[LOG 15:53:49.090] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Initializing Phase Angle Render
[LOG 15:53:49.111] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Initializing EjectAngle Render
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 0
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 1
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 2
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 3
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 4
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5a forLiquidFuel
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5a forOxidizer
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5b deletion of 2 items
[LOG 15:53:49.168] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5b deletion of LiquidFuel
[LOG 15:53:49.169] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart removed resource from currentPart.Resources
[LOG 15:53:49.169] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5b deletion of Oxidizer
[LOG 15:53:49.169] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart removed resource from currentPart.Resources
[LOG 15:53:49.169] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 6
[LOG 15:53:49.169] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart adding resources: LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;
[LOG 15:53:49.170] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 7
[LOG 15:53:49.170] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 8
[LOG 15:53:49.171] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 9
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 0
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 1
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 2
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 3
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 4
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5a forLiquidFuel
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5a forOxidizer
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5b deletion of 2 items
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5b deletion of LiquidFuel
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart removed resource from currentPart.Resources
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 5b deletion of Oxidizer
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart removed resource from currentPart.Resources
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 6
[LOG 15:53:49.179] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart adding resources: LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;
[LOG 15:53:49.180] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 7
[LOG 15:53:49.180] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 8
[LOG 15:53:49.180] InsterstellarFuelSwitch SetupTankInPart setep 9
[WRN 15:53:49.186] [ModuleSAS]: No ModuleCommand found in KWSASmodule3mHalf. SAS services won't be available.
[WRN 15:53:49.186] [ModuleSAS]: No ModuleCommand found in KWSASmodule3mHalf. SAS services won't be available.
[LOG 15:53:49.188] WBIAnimation [FFF9CF02][56.9800]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:49.188] WBILight [FFF9CF00][56.9800]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:49.188] WBILight [FFF9CF00][56.9800]: THERE! ARE! 4 LIGHTS!
[LOG 15:53:49.194] WBILight [FFF9CA30][56.9800]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:49.194] WBILight [FFF9CA30][56.9800]: THERE! ARE! 2 LIGHTS!
[LOG 15:53:49.246] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:49.247] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Part is not inflatable.
[LOG 15:53:49.247] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: OnStart - State: Landed  Part: WBI.Chassis2u
[LOG 15:53:49.247] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: initTemplates called templateNodes: CHASSIS_BATTERY;STORAGE_TEMPLATE templateTags:
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: CHASSIS_BATTERY;STORAGE_TEMPLATE has 20 templates.
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 0: Battery Pack, BatteryPack
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 1: Coolant, Coolant
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 2: Equipment, Equipment
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 3: Fusion Pellets, FusionPellets
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 4: Storage, KIS
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 5: Konkrete, Konkrete
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 6: LFO, LFO
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 7: Lead, Lead
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 8: Liquid Fuel, LiquidFuel
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 9: Liquid Hydrogen, LiquidHydrogen
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 10: Minerals, Minerals
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 11: MonoPropellant, MonoProp
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 12: Ore, Ore
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 13: Research Kits, ResearchKits
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 14: Rocket Parts, RocketParts
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 15: Slag, Slag
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 16: Uraninite, Uraninite
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 17: Water, Water
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 18: XenonGas, Xenon Gas
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Template 19: Life Support, USILS
[LOG 15:53:49.249] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: RedecorateModule called. loadTemplateResources: False template index: 0
[LOG 15:53:49.250] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: updateResourcesFromTemplate called for template: Battery Pack
[LOG 15:53:49.250] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: template: CHASSIS_BATTERY
    reconfigureSkill = Engineer
    requiredAmount = 50
    requiredResource = Equipment
    description = This kit stores electrical charge.
    glowPanel = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/CommonTemplates/Decals/Battery
    logoPanel = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/CommonTemplates/Decals/Battery
    shortName = Battery Pack
    name = BatteryPack
    author = Angel-125
        maxAmount = 100000
        amount = 100000
        name = ElectricCharge

[LOG 15:53:49.250] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: capacityFactor: 0.04
[LOG 15:53:49.250] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: template resource count: 1
[LOG 15:53:49.250] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: OnRedecorateModule called
[LOG 15:53:49.250] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: loadModulesFromTemplate called for template: Battery Pack
[LOG 15:53:49.250] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: New shortName: Battery Pack
[LOG 15:53:49.251] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: changeDecals called.
[LOG 15:53:49.251] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: changeDecals has no named transforms to change.
[LOG 15:53:49.251] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: Module redecorated.
[LOG 15:53:49.251] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9C482][56.9800]: initModuleGUI called
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Part is not inflatable.
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: OnStart - State: Landed  Part: WBI.Chassis2u
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: initTemplates called templateNodes: CHASSIS_BATTERY;STORAGE_TEMPLATE templateTags:
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: CHASSIS_BATTERY;STORAGE_TEMPLATE has 20 templates.
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 0: Battery Pack, BatteryPack
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 1: Coolant, Coolant
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 2: Equipment, Equipment
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 3: Fusion Pellets, FusionPellets
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 4: Storage, KIS
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 5: Konkrete, Konkrete
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 6: LFO, LFO
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 7: Lead, Lead
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 8: Liquid Fuel, LiquidFuel
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 9: Liquid Hydrogen, LiquidHydrogen
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 10: Minerals, Minerals
[LOG 15:53:49.258] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 11: MonoPropellant, MonoProp
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 12: Ore, Ore
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 13: Research Kits, ResearchKits
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 14: Rocket Parts, RocketParts
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 15: Slag, Slag
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 16: Uraninite, Uraninite
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 17: Water, Water
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 18: XenonGas, Xenon Gas
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Template 19: Life Support, USILS
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: RedecorateModule called. loadTemplateResources: False template index: 0
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: updateResourcesFromTemplate called for template: Battery Pack
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: template: CHASSIS_BATTERY
    reconfigureSkill = Engineer
    requiredAmount = 50
    requiredResource = Equipment
    description = This kit stores electrical charge.
    glowPanel = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/CommonTemplates/Decals/Battery
    logoPanel = WildBlueIndustries/000WildBlueTools/CommonTemplates/Decals/Battery
    shortName = Battery Pack
    name = BatteryPack
    author = Angel-125
        maxAmount = 100000
        amount = 100000
        name = ElectricCharge

[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: capacityFactor: 0.04
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: template resource count: 1
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: OnRedecorateModule called
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: loadModulesFromTemplate called for template: Battery Pack
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: New shortName: Battery Pack
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: changeDecals called.
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: changeDecals has no named transforms to change.
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: Module redecorated.
[LOG 15:53:49.259] WBIConvertibleStorage [FFF9B90C][56.9800]: initModuleGUI called
[WRN 15:53:49.265] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "WBI.WheelJack/strutCube/model/cubestrut"
[WRN 15:53:49.265] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size.
The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry.
If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "WBI.WheelJack/strutCube/strutCube/model/cubestrut"
[LOG 15:53:49.442] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Vessel Change from 'No Vessel' to 'ComplexLander-1'
[LOG 15:53:49.494] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Active Vessel unreadable - resetting inqueue flag
[LOG 15:53:49.510] KerbalEngineer -> ActionMenu->Awake
[LOG 15:53:49.510] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Awake
[LOG 15:53:49.510] KerbalEngineer -> ActionMenu->Start
[LOG 15:53:49.510] KerbalEngineer -> FlightEngineerCore->Start
[LOG 15:53:49.573] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loading Textures
[LOG 15:53:49.579] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Loaded Textures
[LOG 15:53:49.579] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Loading Textures
[LOG 15:53:49.581] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,TransferWindowPlanner,Configuring Styles
[WRN 15:53:49.894] [UiApp] Awake: CurrencyWidgetsApp
[WRN 15:53:49.895] [UiApp] Awake: ContractsApp
[WRN 15:53:49.895] [UiApp] Awake: ResourceDisplay
[WRN 15:53:49.895] [UiApp] Awake: KSPedia
[LOG 15:53:49.895] [ApplicationLauncher] OnSceneLoadedGUIReady: scene FLIGHT ShouldBeVisible() True ShouldBeOnTop() True iIsPositionedAtTop False
[LOG 15:53:49.895] [ApplicationLauncher] SpawnSimpleLayout: VerticalTopDown
[LOG 15:53:49.896] ScaleModList: listSize 41 maxListSize 895
[LOG 15:53:49.896] ScaleModList: listSize 82 maxListSize 886
[LOG 15:53:49.905] ScaleModList: listSize 123 maxListSize 886
[LOG 15:53:49.914] ScaleModList: listSize 164 maxListSize 886
[WRN 15:53:49.914] [KnowledgeBase] OnAppLauncherReady 15784
[LOG 15:53:49.918] ScaleModList: listSize 205 maxListSize 886
[WRN 15:53:49.920] Contract Log: TourismContract cannot load isGeeAdventure, it is not in the node. Initializing with default of False!
[WRN 15:53:49.922] Contract Log: TourismContract cannot load isGeeAdventure, it is not in the node. Initializing with default of False!
[WRN 15:53:49.922] Contract Log: TourismContract cannot load isGeeAdventure, it is not in the node. Initializing with default of False!
[WRN 15:53:49.923] Contract Log: TourismContract cannot load isGeeAdventure, it is not in the node. Initializing with default of False!
[WRN 15:53:49.923] Contract Log: TourismContract cannot load isGeeAdventure, it is not in the node. Initializing with default of False!
[WRN 15:53:49.924] Contract Log: TourismContract cannot load isGeeAdventure, it is not in the node. Initializing with default of False!
[WRN 15:53:49.924] Contract Log: TourismContract cannot load isGeeAdventure, it is not in the node. Initializing with default of False!
[LOG 15:53:49.926] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Contracts System Ready
[LOG 15:53:49.941] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 886
[LOG 15:53:49.949] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Adding DrawGUI to PostRender Queue
[LOG 15:53:49.950] 10/21/2016 3:53:49 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Skipping version check
[LOG 15:53:49.997] [MessageSystem] Reposition 0.02 15785
[ERR 15:53:50.005] FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value'

[ERR 15:53:50.005] FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value'

[ERR 15:53:50.014] FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value'

[ERR 15:53:50.014] FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value'

[LOG 15:53:50.045] [FlightIntegrator]: Reloaded drag cube for zeroed cube root part LETpod2m4k (ComplexLander-1) on vessel ComplexLander-1
[LOG 15:53:50.052] [FlightIntegrator]: Vessel ComplexLander-1 has been unloaded 6.02000000560656, applying analytic temperature 237.654290590856
[LOG 15:53:50.115] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: ComplexLander-1
[LOG 15:53:50.137] [UIApp] Adding ResourceDisplay to Application Launcher
[LOG 15:53:50.137] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 845
[LOG 15:53:50.137] [UIApp] Adding ResourceDisplay to Application Launcher
[LOG 15:53:50.138] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 804
[WRN 15:53:50.156] [ResourceDisplay] OnAppStarted(): id: -460484
[LOG 15:53:50.156] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.148394 15789
[LOG 15:53:50.156] [UIApp] Adding ContractsApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 15:53:50.157] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 763
[WRN 15:53:50.157] [ResourceDisplay] OnAppStarted(): id: 117024
[LOG 15:53:50.157] ResourceDisplay already exist, destroying this instance
[LOG 15:53:50.157] [UIApp] OnDestroy: ResourceDisplay
[LOG 15:53:50.158] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 763
[LOG 15:53:50.181] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.17079 15790
[LOG 15:53:50.182] CURRENCY WIDGET True True True
[LOG 15:53:50.182] [UIApp] Adding CurrencyWidgetsApp to Application Launcher
[LOG 15:53:50.182] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 763
[LOG 15:53:50.198] [UIApp] Adding KSPedia to Application Launcher
[LOG 15:53:50.198] ScaleModList: listSize 246 maxListSize 722
[WRN 15:53:50.256] HighlightingSystem : Framebuffer depth data is not available and can't be used to occlude highlighting. Highlighting occluders enabled.
[LOG 15:53:50.406] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[LOG 15:53:50.421] Flight State Captured
[LOG 15:53:50.426] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 15:53:50.426] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 15:53:50.426] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 15:53:50.426] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 15:53:50.426] Saving Achievements Tree...
[LOG 15:53:50.445] [KRnD] saved 0 upgrades in 0.000s
[LOG 15:53:50.445] [MessageSystem] Save Messages
[LOG 15:53:50.529] Game State Saved as persistent
[LOG 15:53:52.504] [ComplexLander-1]: ground contact! - error: 15.312m
[LOG 15:53:52.505] Unpacking ComplexLander-1
[LOG 15:53:59.620] [F: 16061]: science.module collided into Xn102022332 - relative velocity: 8.714822 - no impact momentum (no RB)
[LOG 15:53:59.620] science.module Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
[LOG 15:53:59.623] [sensorBarometer]: Deactivated
[LOG 15:53:59.627] [sensorBarometer]: Deactivated
[LOG 15:53:59.640] [sensorThermometer]: Deactivated
[LOG 15:53:59.643] [sensorThermometer]: Deactivated


Maybe anyone has an idea ... ?

Edited by Green Baron
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With a series of tries i managed to get the ship to touch down on it's legs without tipping over. Then i unloaded the rover. No, when i swicth to the rover, the rover does the same: it starts 5m above the ground in an angle of about 30°, then drops. No problem, it's flat enough not to tip.

But either the rover inherited from the ship or the problem is not craft dependant ...

Mun, east farside crater.


Edited by Green Baron
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Same issue here, but for me it's happening not only to a science base on the Mun but also a completely unrelated mining outpost on Minmus. Interestingly enough, I have a large rover less than 3km away from the Minmus mining base and it's never encountered this issue so far. The Mun base is a total loss every time, half of it spwans in the ground and it then flies off into the distance in a shower of explosions. The Minmus one can sometimes be saved because it just spawns in the air and drifts down in the low gravity.

I only have a few quality of life and graphical mods, but I doubt any of those are doing it as this problem appeared just a few days ago out of the blue for me. No new mods, no updates, just appeared.

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I'm having the opposite problem. I put a science lab on the mun, and on reload from a quicksave, the vessel floats up off the surface. There is no gravity, and burning engines has no impact on velocity. Reloading subsequent quicksaves causes the issue to occur there as well. For example, If I load the quicksave with the vessels already landed, they float up off the surface. If I then load the quicksave with the vessel in descent, it's stuck in a 294.5m/s fall. This was a well developed persistence file and it had no issues until the use of the in menu save/load buttons.

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Got the same thing with my Mun drilling station. When I switch to it it gets ~30 degree tilted partially into the ground and explodes. If approaching it with other vessel, it comes to range OK.

While working on it, and came out of the warp, visiting vessel sitting some 100m nearby got flipped on the flat ground.

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Same problem now with a minmus lander. There is enough time to manually put it upright before it hits the ground but this is game breaking.

When switching to an allready landed vessel or reloading a gamestate with a landed vessel, then when physics kick in that vessels start a few meters above the ground in a tilted attitude. I cannot imagine landing on duna or any other planet with this game behaviour.

Mod list hasn't changed, some were updated in the last days, so everything is up to date on my side.

Any questions, data, from squads side to us players ?


Edit: Probably one of the mods. More later ... testing ...

Editedit: Guys with the same problem, can you confirm that the culprit is RealPlume/Smokescreen ?


Edited by Green Baron
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Can confirm, Real Plume and Smokescreen are causing the issue! Simply uninstalling them seems to fix it. I'm a bit bummed since the stock engine effects are incredibly lame, but at least my stuff doesn't explode anymore.

Edited by sscamc
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