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Satellite Comstellation Contracts

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Many government and commercial programs depend on constellations of satellites rather than individual satellites.  Could we get higher value and higher reputation contracts for launching ambitious constellations of satellites?

With 1.2 I suspect we already have motivation for biuilding constellations.  Commercial contracts to set up satellites to provide continuous coverage of high latitudes or maintain direct communications between given points on the surface of Kerbin,  (subject to limitations on transmitter power and elevation of satellite above the horizon) could provide fun engineering and deployment challenges beyond linking probes to KSC.

I am on consoles, so I have not had a chance to play 1.2 yet.  If this already exists, excuse me.

Edited by Jonfliesgoats
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True, but we don't have the geopolitics in the game to necessitate independent GPS and GLONASS systems, etc.  Commercially there have been constellations launched, like the Sirius network of three satellites, too.  I think it could be fun to have stringent satellite contracts based on required surface coverage rather than given orbital characteristics.

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Just now, Jonfliesgoats said:

True, but we don't have the geopolitics in the game to necessitate independent GPS and GLONASS systems, etc.  Commercially there have been constellations launched, like the Sirius network of three satellites, too.  I think it could be fun to have stringent satellite contracts based on required surface coverage rather than given orbital characteristics.

Well, yeah. I don't disagree, but as you said: geopolitics. That's non-existent in KSP, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't want to set up such constellations. I do that anyway in 1.2, but they are rather simplistic.

What could be cool is maybe having the upkeep cost of these big dishes scattered around Kerbin. That would encourage the players to set up their own communication sats instead of paying for the Deep Space Network. The players would simply be able to select one of them and pick "Close this facility", or something like that and the monthly upkeep would decrease.

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