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Kerbal's first Mun Base

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The mission, should you choose to accept it, is:
using the lowest tech possible, get to the Mun, safely deposit a Mobile Processing Lab, as many scientific experiments as possible (The goo and its ilk), a way to transmit science back to Kerbin, an optional Rover  AND return the pilot, not being in the Mobile Processing Lab, to Kerbin, safely, all in one launch.

Points and Judging


  • everyone that submits an entry will receive 100 free points, and their point total will be modified from that start.
  • All techs that lead to Advanced Exploration are free, however, all other techs researched are worth negative 10 points
  • +5 points for each scientific experiment which survives the trip, and is left on the Mun's surface. Only 1 experiment of each kind counts toward your score.
  • +20 points if you manage to take a functioning Rover with you (top speed on the Mun must exceed 10 m/s on flat ground)
  • All tiebreakers will be resolved by cost, cheaper vessel wins.
  • DNQ if Using any mods, or pure sandbox mode. (Only modes available for this are Career and science)
  • DNQ also if:
    • The MPL is destroyed or leaves the Mun's Surface
    • 25% of the experiments taken with you are destroyed or leave the Mun's surface
    • Unable to transmit science from the MPL
    • The pilot in the command pod is killed, or is unable to return to Kerbin. 

 all entries must submit

  1. A screenshot of their ship in the VAB, and it's cost (or tiebreaking purposes)
  2. a screenshot of the MPL on the Mun
  3. A list and screenshot of the experiments on the Mun.
  4. A Screenshot of the tech tree (detailing which techs were used in this challenge)
  5. A screenshot of your pilot landed safe on Kerbin
  6. (Optional) a Screenshot of your Rover being piloted over 10 m/s
  7. (Optional) a video encompassing all of the above, instead of them separately.


I couldn't manage to get any screenshots of my attempt, but I can give you the stats of my ship. 

  1. Top Techs: Heavy Rocketry, Fuel Systems, Landing, Space Exploration, (I subbed in a cargo container, but the actual model would consist of a MPL), Electrics. Total: -100
  2. Cost: 162,995
  3. Weight: 743.380t
  4. Experiments: Goo, Barometer, 2HOT Thermometer, 9001 Science Jr. 
  5. Rover: None
  6. Antenna: HG-5 High Gain Antenna
  7. Result: Catastrophic Failure. Tough to achieve orbit, and even when I did, it was tough to adjust orbit correctly to catch the mun. By the time the orbit was normalized, I was almost out of fuel and either had to save scum, or abort the mission leaving the kerbals in the MPL to either die upon re-entry, or be lost in orbit forever

So, now, the challenge falls to you, can you succeed where I failed?

Edited by Destroyer83
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Can I clarify a couple things?

1. Can experiments be duplicated for more points?  I can put a TON of thermometers on a small craft :)
2. Since rankings are (partially) determined on cost, why does the game mode (sandbox/career/science) matter?  I raise the question because it seems like a pain to start a whole new save for this challenge, and work all the way up the tech tree, when it doesn't affect the score.

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1. No, although I thank you for pointing that out.

2. I get your point, however, the main score is based on how low-tech you can make this. (Excluding the techs leading to advanced exploration) So, the easiest way to mark that, is to take a screenshot of the tech tree, and that only matters in Science and Career mode. Cost is merely incidental, and used as a tiebreaker. 

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So long as there are no mods, yes. I don't care from where you get the science or the tech, just so long as you have it for the challenge. Also, the reason why cheapness is the tiebreaker is so that career games have a chance. But, like I said, it doesn't matter from where you get the tech, so long as you have it, and take a screenshot of the tech tree when you head out. Also, as is detailed in the rules, all techs leading up to, and including, advanced exploration will not count against you in scoring, but all others subtract 10 points, which encourages you to divert as little from that path as possible (as was stated in my attempt, I had already researched 10 other techs, which loses me 100 points before I was off the ground.)

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